307 Tasting Notes
Day 49 of my 101 days of tea. A leftover from my advent calendar — dumped the entire container into my 2-cupper.
Yummm. Was NOT expecting to like the tea as much as I do. There’s a real buttery aftertaste to this tea, and a little nutty as well. There’s a bit of a bitter or sour note which I’m pretty sure is the cornflowers — not in an oversteeped kind of way, but more… enhansing the flavour.
Tried it with milk the second time while eating a bit of pecan pie — the sweetness definitely enhanses the flavour! That being said, it’s quite nice straight as well.
Day 48 of my 101 days of tea.
I feel like I might be rating this a little high, but it was JUST what I needed today, and is very good for its simplicity — sometimes less can really be more. The lemongrass and mint mix well together, creating a refreshing blend. The oolong isn’t strong, but its musk does come through the longer you let it steep, adding another level to the tea.
It was suggested that I keep the teabag in for this, and I’m glad I tried it that way — it didn’t get bitter at all, just muskier as time went on. Very good. Plus, it resteeps wonderfully — the flavour hardly seems diminished on the third steep.
Although I’m an earth dragon, and I suppose that would be green (not yellow), I still think this definitely did my kind proud!
Day 47 of my 101 days of tea!
I’ve been thinking about this one for a few days now, and finally got along to trying it now by getting a cup in-store. I was suggested a 5-minute steep time, so that’s the timing I went with. The bad news — it didn’t live up to my expectations. It smelled like a strawberry liqueur, but I found the white tea taste to be more powerful, and not quite my style. It grew on me somewhat, especially as it continued to resteep… I definitely liked it more with each cup, and the flavour didn’t seem to be diminishing at all even after the third time. If nothing else, you can definitely get your money’s worth out of this tea.
Day 45 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge!
Put all that I had left of this tea into my teapot. And wouldn’t you know? I couldn’t get the song out of my head the entire time I was brewing it. Or drinking it. Even during my resteeps….
This was probably the best banana-based tea I’ve ever had. Very banana-y. Very delicious. Resteeped well the first time — the second resteep was weak, but oh well.
Definitely worth it, ESPECIALLY for the chance to burst out into song.
Day 44 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge.
This was recommended by my favourite DT employee ever (though I will apologise for playing favourites….). It was what he was drinking too, and I said why not?
It kind of reminded me of caramel or kettle corn, with the sweetness of the apple meeting with the… buttered popcorn flavour which I have to assume came at least in part from the popcorn itself.
The flavour combination, I must admit, wasn’t my favourite. It wasn’t bad, but with the flavour of hot toboggan from the day before still strong in my mind… it just didn’t measure up. However, we all have to love some teas more than others. Still a good cuppa. Plus, it resteeps VERY well — always a plus!
Day 42 of my 101 days of tea.
I started up brewing it for two cups in a large teapot. Had that, and then resteeped it in my preferred way — a bit of pumpkin chai with a regular black teabag thrown in — I can nuse that ALL afternoon.
Drank straight, the pumpkin comes through, and it’s really not bad. However, it’s even better the way they suggest, with milk and brown sugar. I mean, I really can drink it all afternoon, and that’s not something I can say for many teas.
I’m so glad that it comes back year after year… this tea is good enough to want to restock on that often.
Day 46 of my 101 days of tea!
2tsp in my teaball, brewed in a large mug.
On its own, I find the tea not quite up to snuff. However, add a bit of milk, and that’s when the magic happens. The creaminess of the milk (and I’m using skim, so I suppose “creaminess” may not be the right word….) compliments the sweetness of the tea, showcasing it more and adding just the right mouth feel for me to really appreciate the tea.
Day 41 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge. Rating is mainly based on the hot tea. I haven’t tried it iced yet, and I’m curious to see if it improves the flavour as much as my fellow reviewers seem to be suggesting.
The mango flavour is the most apparent, which surprised me as it’s not the first flavour on the list. It made me want a mango smoothie, so I could have the full mango taste. Actually, that’s what bothered me about it as well — it felt too much like the ghost of mango: a lingering, hollow flavour missing the sweetness and substance that would make it great (…and a smoothie rather than a tea).
It actually tastes BETTER as it resteeps — the fruity flavour seemed to come out more. That being said, the hollowness of the flavour seems to remain, though it did seem a little sweeter on the third resteep, when the water got cooler…..
Day 40 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge.
Eyeballed 2.5 tsp in my two-cupper. First cup at around 4:15, left the leaves in steeping before having a second cup with milk.
This is a REALLY nice tea… Very earthy, and nice to have on its own. Also, tastes great oversteeped wtih a bit of milk. That being said, the resteep was VERY weak, which saddened me — it would have been nice to see the leaves go farther.
Still, this is the first straight black tea that I’ve ever really liked without doctoring it up with milk and/or some sort of sweetener. Definitely glad I picked this up on the Boxing Day sale!
Day 39 in my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge.
1tbsp in my 2-cupper. Didn’t pay attention to steep time so haven’t put it down.
I found this a little strong, even though it was brewed as instructed. The flavour was wonderful, but I think it tastes better brewed with a little less “leaf” put in. That being said, the colour is a beautiful deep pink, and the flavour isn’t bad.
The best way to describe the taste of this tea is as a hot version of pink lemonade. …at least if you’re not having it iced. There is a lovely level of tartness to this, and the colour is very playful — this is the first pink tea I ever had (though through DAVIDs I’ve had a handful of others since). I’m glad it’s come back — it’s certainly deserving. Not bad on a resteep either, though of course nowhere near as powerful as the first time around (especially in colour).