I recently purchased a set of samples from Whispering Pines which included North Wind and this one. I wanted to compare the base tea to the vanilla version. I have to say, this tea is pretty fantastic with vanilla beans added. You can’t go wrong with vanilla. Not getting the decadent fudge people are describing but it is good.
I feel inspired to add vanilla beans to all my teas. I had requested a pound of beans for a birthday 2 years ago and I still haven’t used them all even though I made a half gallon of vanilla extract. I’ve cut down on dessert foods lately so I guess tea is the best place for these beans now. It doesn’t take much vanilla bean to flavor a tea. I could probably do a bean or two for a pound worth of North Wind. :D Or add some to Laoshan Black. :D Plus cocoa nibs. :D Or I could play around with WP’s Fujian Black since it’s a tasty cheaper tea that would take well to vanilla and cocoa.
Have you ever tried the beans from Olive Nation? They are so much better than the ones I bought at the expensive grocery, and cheap. They are rich and moist. I wonder how they compare to other companies, though?
OMG vanilla beans added to LB? Genius! I think I need to order some LB just for that purpose now…
Have you ever tried the beans from Olive Nation? They are so much better than the ones I bought at the expensive grocery, and cheap. They are rich and moist. I wonder how they compare to other companies, though?
I haven’t! I think I was gifted beans from a seller on eBay. I’m not a vanilla expert, but they were delicious. Sweet . Aromatic, plump and sticky with moisture. Of course they are dry now 2 years later, but still great for simmering into custards and cutting up for vanilla sugar. :)