Just the basic Long Jing offered by Tealyra, not “westlake” or “supreme” or any of the other superlatives that they occasionally market. And over the years, I’ve found this to be just as good as their fancier versions anyway, though those are long gone from my tea cupboard. This 100 g mylar bag has been sealed up in my darkened tea cabinet for about two years. Nice long unbroken, brittle flat blades of tea leaf, with an almost waxy feel to them.

Today I over-infused 2.5 g in 16 oz boiling spring water for a half hour. You could call that Wild-Western Style! And I ended up with two cups of quaffable (golden yellow) green tea having a little astringent bite (“wild”) and plenty of the very typical Dragon Well vegetal flavor and aroma. Savory, nutty (more like pecan, less like walnut or hazelnut), grassy with hint of steamed edamame, nice long finish… exactly what we expect from a cuppa Long Jing! If I’d stopped the steep at 6 minutes it would have been perfect! And, modestly priced, while being unfussy at the same time. Satisfying!

Flavors: Grassy, Nutty, Pecan, Savory, Soybean, Umami, Vegetal

Boiling 8 min or more 2 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Pan-American: Left-coast reared (on Bigelow’s Constant Comment and Twinings’ Earl Grey) and right-coast educated, I’ve used this moniker since the 90’s, reflecting two of my lifelong loves—tea and ‘Trek. Now a midwestern science guy (right down to the Hawaiian shirts), I’m finally broadening the scope of my sippage and getting into all sorts of Assamicas, from mainstream Assam CTCs to Taiwan blacks & TRES varietals, to varied Pu’erhs. With some other stuff tossed in for fun. Love reading other folks’ tasting notes (thank you), I’ve lurked here from time to time and am now adding a few notes of my own to better appreciate the experience. You can keep the rooibos LoL! Note that my sense of taste varies from the typical, for example I find stevia to be unsweet and bitter. My revulsion to rooibos may be similarly genetic.
Photo with Aromatic Bamboo Species Raw Pu-erh Tea “Xiang Zhu” by Yunnan Sourcing, which is most definitely aromatic!



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