To start, Pussy began as a mellow and soft tea which quickly gained strength after just a few steeps. Even throughout the session, this tea had a strong backbone that held up steep after steep. One thing I like about Pussy is its complex profile that seemed to keep expanding as the session went on… (hehe). Another thing I like about Pussy was that it was deep and quickly turned into a soup, and was more broth than tea. However, if I had to guess, I would suspect that Pussy is a Yiwu and Mensong blend. In conclusion, I’d say that White2Tea’s description of this tea was an understatement, because this tea was more flavorful than one could have expected….
Click the link below to read my full review…
Flavors: Cotton Candy, Floral, Medicinal, Sugar, Sweet
185 °F / 85 °C
0 min, 15 sec