It was ages since I have wrote a note about a new tea. Let’s rectify this !
This is a tea kindly sent by justjames in our swap.

I don’t really know what to say about this tea it’s just mild : mild flavouring and mild tea – I would even say weak tea…but weak with a hint of acridity.
Just as if I am not drinking tea but hot syrup.
I’m so sorry not loving it James, did you liked it ? Cannot see a review from you about this one.
I am particularly sorry because I love blueberries, blackberries but to my opinion these flavours are among the most difficult ones to success in a tea (along with cherry probably).
Thanks so much for sharing James.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

no… i loved it not either. this was the beginning of my blueberry tea pilgrimmage. i was so disappointed. BUT i have been sent teas on occasion in swaps that others disliked that i loved… worth a try as an extra toss in! =0)


Myrtille sauvage is from far the best Blueberry tea I have had, difficult to have another one behind for me


Justjames have you tried black n blue from serendipitea?


i haven’t, no. though i’ll add it to my shopping list. with the december sale haul it will be awhile before i can justify buying anything!!

i did love myrtille sauvage…. happy sigh.


you know what i adore? blueberries mixed with blackberries….

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no… i loved it not either. this was the beginning of my blueberry tea pilgrimmage. i was so disappointed. BUT i have been sent teas on occasion in swaps that others disliked that i loved… worth a try as an extra toss in! =0)


Myrtille sauvage is from far the best Blueberry tea I have had, difficult to have another one behind for me


Justjames have you tried black n blue from serendipitea?


i haven’t, no. though i’ll add it to my shopping list. with the december sale haul it will be awhile before i can justify buying anything!!

i did love myrtille sauvage…. happy sigh.


you know what i adore? blueberries mixed with blackberries….

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First, please forgive me for my English and all the grammatical mistakes you’ll find in my posts.
As English isn’t my mother tongue it sometimes makes things more difficult to express cleverly and accurately what I feel.

I was mainly in black flavoured teas, green as well if not bitter.
I’m now drinking much straight teas because my palate is now developed enough to appreciate them .

My favourite brands are : Taiwan tea Crafts, Teavivre, Mariage Frères,Theodor,Butiki Teas,Dammann Frères, Betjeman & Barton.
My ratings are as follow :

100 to 95 : my darlings; always in my cupboard (or very often ! )

94 to 90 : Excellent tea

89 to 80 : very good tea, a pleasure to drink it

79 to 70: not bad even quite nice, why not having it sometimes, but well,it’s not so urgent !

69 to 50 : Meh, deceptive or just not for me – but has some qualities

49 to 30 : I just don’t appreciate it

Under 30 : is this thing supposed to be tea ?!?!?

My tea blog (in French)


Paris, France



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