stock man said

Visit tea gardens

Next year I will finish my degree and start to work. I have some money I have saved working the last 6 summers while I was studying and I would like (really, it’s a dream for me) to visit a tea garden in China (or India because it would be easier for the language, as I have a medium english level but I don’t know anything of chinese).

Has anyone gone to a tea garden or something? Any recommendation?

6 Replies

When are you thinking of going to China? The company I work for travels to our friends and farmers each year to score tea. Anyone is welcome on the trip, consumer and shop owner alike. It’s usually in the spring time, so it’ll be first flush season.

I’ll follow you in case you want to PM about it!

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stock man said

I was thinking in going in september or maybe in summer, as I will finish in june next year (it will be impossible to go in spring)

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Cwyn said

If you want to save some money, consider visiting the Charleston Tea Plantation in South Carolina.

stock man said

I think that it would be more expensive to go to the USA than to China or India (I’m European).

ANd, I would prefer going to China or India as are the ‘traditional’ tea countries.

I was going to suggest Hawaii, there’s tea garden tours there and that volcanic soil produces amazing tea. And it’s Hawaii.

Oh man, Hawaii…. They make some great tea over there!

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