Regional Group Buy 2016, Now Shipping! $5 off, 15 left

This year includes Hawaii, Nepal, Africa, and Columbia. The variety of tea will provide a diverse experience while exploring.

I have been wanting to get people a taste of tea from North America, to which I found things to be pricey. As much as I wanted to get Canadian tea, this year it was not going to happen; I settled for Hawaii tea. Maunakea worked with me to get their higher end green tea at a better price than normal, huge relief. I then wanted to include a region that isn’t well drank, being Columbia tea. Thankfully What Cha carried the Bitaco tea because they sell in 2+lb wholesale only. This is a region that I haven’t even tried yet! From the fun stuff I moved to the serious category. Nepali Tea Traders and Justea do so much work for the community they are involved with that it makes me smile. I highly encourage everyone to check them out as I am trying to funnel people to places I think need more eyes on them for the great work they do which leads to the last pick being Tealet. Teatlet’s model of a business is just super awesome, connecting farmers with buyers… it’s much more than that, but you just have to get involved and find out. There’s so much awesome stuff happening, my suggestion is to sip away at the selected tea you pick out and get to know the vendor/company while sending them an email as you drink the tea. I’m sure they would love some feedback :)

Numbers Breakdown:
14g $9 value
10g $2.22 value
10g $2.22 value
10g $3.00 value
10g $4.30 value
10g $4.00 value
1 $3.00 value
10g $1.40 value
10g (justea isn’t selling it currently) $3.50 value
10g Thyolo oolong from (I bought it out) $3.00 value
Total of $35.64 if bought with free shipping. Figure $3 shipping per vendor = $50.64+

Through Liquid Proust Teas it ends up being $26.22 + $1.28 (Andrew’s fee) + shipping
I’ve seen four orders go through under $31 with shipping :)

35 Replies
hawkband1 said

Thanks, LP. I didn’t wait, already ordered. Knew you’d find interesting teas to try. :D

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Nicole said

Mmm…. Bitaco has some awesome teas. And so does JusTea. Good choice in here!

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Oh yeah: Canada and oversea people, please contact me for the cheaper shipping like always.

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Thanks, I’m super excited for everything here.

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This group buy is worth it. There are so many great selections of tea to have! I’m going to dig into the Hawaiian teas first. Go join the group buy!

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Also, these are pretty generous samples, so you’ll definitely get MORE than enough brews out of the tea. At the prices on the sites, compared to the price that Liquid Proust is offering, you’ll not only save money, but get some pretty good stuff, too!

Depending how you brew, there’s 2 to 3 sessions of each tea :)

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AllanK said

Just bought this online a few minutes ago. Took me a while to decide as I still haven’t started on the last group buy I participated in.

Which one are you drinking away at?

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Ubacat said

I must have missed this. Haven’t been on Steepster too much lately. It has a good amount of greens which I like. Not too keen on the black teas as I still have a load of black tea samples to go through. Still interested though. Would the shipping to Canada be reasonable?

You should see what it provides for you. I know I can ship it for $6 to $8 usd myself so if needed I can do it privately.

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If anyone is up to doing an online Google Hangouts (voicechat) while drinking one or two of these teas please let me know. I think it would be fun to drink together. It couldn’t be the Hawaii tea though because I’m using it at an event at the end of August.

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I’ve tried a few teas so far and I’m pretty impressed. The Mauna Kea is especially nice, it’s actually reminding me of a Korean tea.

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