Share Your Favorite Brewing Tip

If you are an avid tea drinker then you have a few brewering tips, tricks or best practices up your sleeve that you always follow.

I wanted to create a post where you can share your favorite brewing tips or tricks.

I’ll share mine, after 10 people share theres = )

10 Replies
Rasseru said

Western style – let the tea cool & sweeter flavours will be more prominent. I’m not sure the correct serving temp but some Oolong is better lower

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mrmopar said

Gong Fu puerh. My trick is to wait at least 10 minutes after the first rinse as the water continues to be drawn into the leaf Gives a better brew in my opinion after the wait period.

t-curious said

I’ve wondered about doing this. Do you use the same amount of time for both raw and ripe puerh? How long do you steep during the rinse?

mrmopar said

I do use the same wait time. In terms of the rinse I normally have a light colored brew vessel and I wait till I see some color in the steeping vessel.

t-curious said

@mrmopar Thanks!

Zennenn said

This was a game changer tip for me when I saw you mention it in another thread a while back.

mrmopar said

I think it really enhances the tea. @Zennenn did it make a positive effect on your style?

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Western style. Always warm teapot with hot water first. 2 grams tea/6 oz water. Swirl pot once midway through brewing. Milk, if using, at room temperature (I usually pour a little in my cup before doing anything else to make tea.)

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moot said

When high quality puerh seems steeped out after gongfu brewing, throw it into a tea thermos for grandpa style finale. I’ve often got some stuff left over from the day before in the morning, and chuck it into the thermos on the way to work. You’ll often get new stuff revealed.

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nycoma said

when brewing western style and brewing lots of tea, i transfer tea from the french press to a large mason jar and cap it, then set on top of the burner after its turned off, to keep hot. true outback brewing… at home.

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