oceanica said

Best material for tea storage

I have gone a bit overboard with the tea thing lately, and now have about 60 different teas with amounts from 25 grams to 150 grams each. I have purchased a few of the teavac containers and need to find a cheaper alternative. I know what is available. My question is, what is the best material for storage? Metals, ceramic, glass, plastic? I am concerned that the sealed bags fro Verdant and Yunnan Sourcing may not be good long term solutions for storage. Also, some plastics will off gas which can be a disaster, will metal containers give a metalic flavor to the tea? I assume ceramic and glass are best, but they are more expensive. Any thoughts?

9 Replies
Ken said

Ive heard people mention kitchen parchment for pu’erh. Since it breathes, has no scent and can be wrapped and tied.

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AllanK said

It really depends on the tea you are storing. The usual suggestion is that puerh need to breathe and should be stored in something like Yixing. Also cardboard boxes are a traditional storage for puerh although some on here feel it can impart a cardboard smell to the tea. I have not experienced this. As far as black teas, green teas, and oolong teas airtight and light tight storage is considered best. I use mostly metal tins for this or a store it in a resealable ziplock food grade bag if it came in one. The problem with glass is it lets in light, this will degrade your tea slowly.

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tperez said

Good quality zip bags like those from YS and Verdant are fine. If a tea comes in that type of zip bag I generally leave it there; for teas that don’t come in a good resealable package is use these tins from Adagio. They also come in a larger size.

AllanK said

The bags Yunnan Sourcing sells on their China site are excellent. I buy them for teas I just don’t have the space for another tin.

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oceanica said

Ok so I think I found my answer. Not the cheapest, but all glass and since they can be used for canning, they should be airtight. Here is the link: https://www.containerstore.com/s/hermetic-glass-storage-jars/d?productId=10011037&q=hermetically%20sealed%20glass%20jars
They are clear, but I will be storing in a closet, so not a problem…

mrmopar said

Good looking containers.

LuckyMe said

Glass is no good for tea. Tea is vulnerable to 5 things: air, heat, odor, moisture, and light. You need an opaque container to shield it from UV light.

World Market sells some inexpensive tins for properly storing tea: http://www.worldmarket.com/product/jaipur-and-priti-metal-tea-tins-set-of-2

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oceanica said

I disagree. Glass is one of the most inert materials around that are commonly available. I mentioned that I keep the tea in a closet, thus light is not an issue. One can also paint or cover the outside of the glass to keep light from getting in. I was also pleased that the lids to the containers I found are glass as well. The only other materials appears to be a rubber gasket. I have used tins in the past, and while they seemed OK, I wanted to find something more inert.

AllanK said

If you keep it out of the light that is good. I don’t have space in my closets for tea storage though.

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