Win a free Steepster Select tea box for September!

107 Replies
Batrachoid said

I’d love to see a showcase of the new Indian greens and whites.

I totally support sci-fi tea month. Maybe by sub genre like radioactive holocaust tea, space explorer tea, friendly pet alien tea, etc?

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Jenn said

There are so many great ideas here! I’m partial to Megs idea of a sampler with a diverse selection of the more exotic teas that some people may love, and still others may have never heard of much less tried. A veritable schmorgesborg-o-tea experience….

I love the Sci-fi and friendship teas box ideas as well.

I just really want to win that car!

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Teas to drink in case of zombie attack?

What about movie themed teas (Like what would Bond drink when it was too early for his usual shaken not stirred? How about Indiana Jones? etc) kind of a take off the book idea (which I love).

What about localiteas? I’m not sure if possible, but what if you could get teas from United states companies in say MA, CA,, IL, and TX a four corners kinda thing?

Across the Pond theme – teas from the UK

Oh my goodness, my daughter would love a “zombie attack” theme!

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What theme you would like to receive in a Steepster Select tea box?
A regional theme would be nice. Ascribing region with a little history or minuets about the teas country would be nice. Tea is to be a learning experience and “Regional minuets” would be a nice theme.

I trust I have understood the question asked. Thank you.

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MegWesley said

This may be a little strange, but it would be fun to get a box of tea that brews up pink/red.

Caitlin said

You could do that for October – isn’t that breast cancer awareness month?

MegWesley said

I have no idea. I didn’t think about breast cancer for that. More like pink cheeks from cooler winds that blow in around September.

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Jenn said

What about breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert teas for a week? Maybe a work week because that’s a lot of tea.


The many moods of tea? Bold, uplifting, sweet, health focused, etc.

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Anatta said

Teas from Sri Lanka

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LeafJoy said

Teas that pair well with cookies or chocolate :)

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Organic teas! September is a new beginning for many (back to school, a new season, the leaves are changing) and switching to healthy, organic teas is a good way to start afresh.

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I have another idea. Hope it hasn’t been mentioned yet. How about “Taste of ____” so for example unique teas found in specific regions of the US or other countries. For example if you are in London you can create a package of teas you might find yourself drinking if you lived in London. This is a great way to drink teas as locals do from that specific region. :)

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