Jason select said

Steepster Select #004 Discussion (SPOILERS)

For those who participated in the Steepster Select #004, post pictures and discuss away! If you missed out on this month you can sign up for the next one here => http://steepster.com/select


As a reminder, here are the teas included:

Sen Cha Fukamushi from Sugimoto America: http://steepster.com/teas/sugimoto-america/23273-sen-cha-fukamushi
Organic Genmaicha from Den’s Tea: http://steepster.com/teas/dens-tea/6419-genmaicha-satsuki
Houjicha (Smokey Roast): http://steepster.com/teas/obubu-tea/16918-houjicha-smokey-roast

6 Replies

I received my first package already, my second should arrive soon, I expect. I haven’t yet tried them though, I wanted to wait for the threesome to be united before I do. Maybe it’s true, what my husband and children say, I’m weird. I prefer to call myself unusual or odd or even eccentric. As in EccentricPastiche.

Jason select said

Weird is what makes the world fun! (most of the time) :D

Too funny I too am referred to as “weird” and “odd” and most definately “eccentric” my personal favorite is “Modern Day Hippy” to that I can only say “Far out!”

Rachel, it sounds like you and I are very much alike.

I get a very negative vibe from the word weird… I think it’s because my step-mother used to call me weird and she did it in the meanest tone of voice imaginable, so I kind of recoil at the word weird. Which is why I prefer unusual, odd, strange, even wacko to weird.

Sorry … didn’t mean to hijack this thread with my nightmarish memories of my step-mother.

No worries, LiberTEAS eveytime I hear it they are just meaning it jokingly but I can understand your point of view seeing as you have history around it.

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Loving this so far. I’m almost through both of the Sen Cha Fukamushi and the genmaicha.

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