Bonnie said

Recent Activity tab it just me?

Getting a black screen with …someone must have left the kettle on…error message for the last week on the recent activity tab. Anyone else getting this error?

2 Replies

I just checked my Recent Activity tab, and it loads just fine. However, I recently had the same issue it seems you are having; after a few days of it—at the suggestion of someone here—I emailed Jason, and not long after it was working again. It seems they need to fix it on a user-by-user basis, for some reason. I invite you to e-mail Jason yourself ([email protected]). Good Luck!

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Bonnie said

Thank you…didn’t have his contact…I used to be a system analyst among other things but when the ol brain has issues…well, I still have my IQ in tact but things process slower. Lost my ability to multi-task too.

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