Tea Clubs

Help us out please. What are your thoughts on tea clubs offered by companies for samples? Tropical Tea has started offering a Tea Experience where you get 4 different teas (16 cups total) every other month along with discounts and gifts. It has been very successful but we want your thoughts.

7 Replies
Emilie said

I’ve always thought they seemed very interesting and fun. Unfortunately, on a students budget, I can’t afford to participate in one.
However, I did just take a look at yours, and it seems a much more reasonable price. I just bought some tea from your $1 sale. If I like that, I may have to look into your Tea Experience some day. Has anybody had any experiences with Tropical Tea Co.?

Sounds like you students might be interested in making some income from Tropical Tea. If interested email us at “[email protected]” and we will share with you our Host or Hostess program.

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Yes there’s a whole thread on them a page or two back. Overall the consensus seemed to be that the tea is fairly good, and is available at a price that makes it a fantastic value.

As for tea clubs, I too am a student so they tend to be cost prohibitive. I’m also concerned that I’ll end up with a tea I’m allergic to (containing nuts), so I usually prefer to know what I’m getting. They do sound fun, though.

Emilie said

I actually got mine in today. I still can’t believe the amount of tea I received for the price!

I see how that would be a concern. Maybe it would be a good idea for tea clubs to include an alternate option for some of the more common allergies like nuts. I’m sure it would get the bonus approval points for many people. For now, tea swaps with other members are probably the best option! :)

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Azzrian said

I think they would be fun – I have not joined one from a specific vendor yet – just the steepster club because I want diversity right now. I think what would be cool however is if a tea company allowed options on their tea of the month club. Perhaps every month give 1 to 3 choices so that people can avoid allergens, not get a tea they won’t like etc.

Our thoughts exactly. That is why we offer 4 different teas every other month and four samples of each. Two are in Pyramid style tea bags and the other are in foil sealed packets of loose leaf (one cup per serving).
We appreciate your suggestions.

Azzrian said

Excellent! Great way to do it!

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