Black Rose tea: recommendations sought

43 Replies

David’s just come out with one, in honor of the London Olympics. Haven’t tried it though.

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I just tried a jasmine and rose and white tea mix, loose leaf, pre-canned from a company called The Tea Spot. I found it in the “Wild Harvest” section of a regular Shaw’s grocery story in Cambridge, MA. It’s not bad, but the rose is barely discernable. A good concept, though, and not a bad white tea.

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Just thought I’d add my 2 cents ~ the Rose Congou from Upton Tea Imports is really nice. Very musky and natural, but not perfumey.

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Rose Black Tea is made from fine black tea mixed with crushed rose petals. When brewed this tea produces a reddish brown liquid with a sweet malt taste and a refreshing floral aroma. This is a superior black tea for all occasions.

For more amazing teas, Visit:
Enjoying Tea

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Oo, I absolutely love to make my own – my grandmother has given us a little rose plant from her orchard and its smell is absolutely divine. I dry its petals int he sun, then add it to my favourite black tea (I think keemun would go very well, as it’s malty but sharper than creamy blacks such as Yunnan Golden Buds, which goes well with rose), or sometimes a white tea. Yulia X

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Just rememebered I’d written this recipe over on my blog ages ago:

It’s for a white tea thoguh, need to do one for black tea next! :) Yulia X

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I prefer to make my own though, because flavoured teas from shops generally use a lower quality base tea. Here’s my favourite Don Mei resonating my pain:

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