Tea & Books - What are you reading?

1992 Replies

Just finished Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale before beginning the Hogarth Shakespeare retelling, The Gap of Time by Jeannette Winterson.

Whew! Never read any other Jeannette Winterson but she did a masterful job of re-imagining The Winter’s Tale. Now I’m hooked on Hogarth Shakespeares…

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mtchyg said

Nocturnes by John Connolly. Collection of horror stories for Halloween time

Rasseru said

Oh, how did you find House of Leaves? Its my favourite horror novel ever written, not just for the obvious differences, I love the story as well. I didnt think the printing approach was gimmicky either, I felt it totally added to the immersion.

I just thought today that House of Leaves might be my spooky book for this month. But so many choices!

Rasseru said

read itttttttt

its bloody great.

What are your other choices? Last horror I read was ‘the ruins’ by scott smith. it was also good

Always a billion books in my mind to read but on the spooky short list of possibilities:
Dr. Sleep – King
Pym – Edgar Allan Poe (but then Pym by Mat Johnson and then The Terror by Dan Simmons)
Jekyll & Hyde
Jane Slayre by Bronte & Sherri Browning Erwin

mtchyg said

Still working on House of Leaves. I’m reading it out loud to my wife so I am some what limited on my pacing. BUT we are nearly through it and our book club for it is in a week. I’m really enjoying it thus far.

Rasseru said

Wow, reading it out aloud is a pretty amazing undertaking. Kudos :)

mtchyg said

We do most books together out loud because she wants to participate but falls asleep instantly when she tries to read. I like reading out loud (it was part of my job for years) so I read it to both of us. House of Leaves certainly takes some explaning and showing when you are reading it to someone but I think it’s working out.

Rasseru said

Ah thats cool. I did wonder if she might be blind, & how you would explain the various quirks to her

Rasseru said

oh, have you got any sci fi, horror (or even better) scifi-horror recommendations?

mtchyg said

Have you ever read Hyperion?

Rasseru said

Nope! ok, i’ll put it on the never-ending list of things to read :)

mtchyg said

Just finished it. It’s a good one

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Rasseru said

Really really enjoying reading through this website, its full of short stories, lengths from 1 page to over 50 pages… ive been chugging through the scifi, might start on the horror soon. Read about 15 so far tonight :)

Such a cool website!


Rasseru said

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wwz is a superb movie i like brat pit.

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Just started My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem…love this passage about traveling and being nomadic in some sense:
“The road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial and into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of caution and into action, out of statistics and into stories—in short, out of our heads and into our hearts. It’s right up there with life-threatening emergencies and truly mutual sex as a way of being fully alive in the present.”

mtchyg said

Great quote!

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Sophie’s world. last chapter is a bit hard to understand, but still good book.

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nycoma said

2001 a space odyssey & infinite jest. i dont know what teas would pair with these books

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I’m re-reading “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell” by Susanna Clarke.

Shae said

Love that one! Did you catch the miniseries a while back?

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After listening to my husband sing it’s praises for almost a month, I’m finally getting to Bone Clocks

Ooooo… I love David Mitchell’s books. :D

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Just finished “Forever Man” by Gordon R. Dickson, now I just started “And the Devil Will Drag You Under” by Jack L. Chalker.

Forever Man was really trippy, but I liked it. The idea that an existing human intelligence can be melded with a space ship is pretty cool.

Rasseru said

Sounds like my sort of thing, I love banks’ culture novels

Have read Consider Phlebas and loved it. Have you read Gregory Benford’s Galactic Center Saga? If you like Banks you should definitely check it out.

Rasseru said

ah i missed this message – Excession is my favourite sci-fi book ever. Also Look to windward, use of weapons, surface detail, & finish with the hydrogen sonata. Then read Excession again. Its amazing – i’ll check out gregory benford next :)

I need to read the rest of them. I am a sucker for physical books and also try to find them used… not easy for his books.

Rasseru said

oh man, read excession – ive read it 6 or 7 times now, & still love it. it references other culture books & makes the others more enjoyable. we really lost a great series when banks moved on

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