New features to our website?

We are adding features to our new site, were you can really design you our tins. We are thinking of adding wallpapers for the backgrounds. Which Kinds of wallpapers would you want to use on your tins? Like weddings, birthday, etc….

2 Replies

Such a cool idea. I really like your company and mission.

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Sil select said

I posted in your other thread on this topic but never recieves a response. I tried to send you a form via the website and keep getting an error message so that might be broken.

I’d really love to be able to explore the teas without having to create an account. I’d also really love to be able to see shipping, especially when there’s no guarantee that shipping is available to canada. I didn’t want to have to complete the whole form just to figure that out.

It’d be neat to be able to upload your own wallpaper (you might be able to do this, but again not wanting to have to create an account until i know i can purchase something and have it shipper here, i’m not sure if that’s an option)

Birthday wall paper would be awesome. I know when i get married our party favor or some such will likely have some tea related item so that might also work as a wallpaper. Holiday themed backgrounds would be nice too.

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