Happy National Peanut Butter Lovers' Day from 52teas!

Check out our new Tea of the Week, Peanut Butter Chai!


13 Replies
Stephanie said

I’m getting hungry thinking about this! Spicy Peanut Butter, huh? Yum!

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wombatgirl said

oo.. interesting

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Cofftea said

PB Loco has a curry peanut butter- I’d love to see a tea version of that. Something savory to serve w/ (or add to) Pad Thai.

Stephanie said

Yeah, a savory peanut butter would be neat—kind of like satay.

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AJ said

Me and peanutbutter have always had a love-hate relationship. I could never stand it in sandwiches as a child (or not, even), but to this day, I love Reeses.

~lauren. said

Ohh, love Reeses! How many days is it ‘til Halloween? That’s when I indulge in all the Reeses out of my kiddies’ trick or treat bag …. My own personal method of controlling the craving & intake! Unfortunately, it’s the itty-bitty ones that they get!

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i did not see this post

i love you guys so much, but perhaps i should consider fwding my paychecks there?

Just write “Pay to the Order of Zoomdweebie’s, LLC” on the back and sign. We’ll set up an account for you. :D

lol, sweet :-)

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Harfatum said

Oh no! I’m really allergic to peanuts. Are the other teas safe from possible cross-contamination? I might have to take your stuff off my shopping list :(

No worries. We are VERY careful. One of our regulars in our brick and mortar tea bar is allergic to peanuts AND chocolate. (I weep for her every time I see her)

Harfatum said

Good to hear :)

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Meghann M said

methinks me going to make me a pb sandwich to go with my chai and see how it pairs :)

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