Samovar "The 4-Hour Workweek" Organic Yerba Mate Set

My Steepster Select arrived today, the Samovar “The 4-Hour Workweek” Organic Yerba Mate Set

I wanted to ask how dumb I was, I thought it came with the book. Am I the only one?

Regardless, wow the packaging job was nice!

14 Replies
Cofftea said

I did not order it, but I would have thought the book would have been included.

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SoccerMom said

I remember thinking that the book was part of the set! Maybe it’s just one of those things where they put it in the picture to make it look like you were getting more?

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Bummer. I almost ordered it and I thought it came with the book also.

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Meghann M said

I thought it came with the book as well. I swear it said something about that on the site…otherwise why the name of it?

If you look on the website all the sets (book, book+mate, mate) have the same name as they are part of the set.

I checked the website and it is a we bit confusing

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Stephanie said

Maybe the book will be shipped separately (like directly from the publisher or something)?

But, yeah, I thought the book came with it too!

nope not separately – just checked the ID on my invoice against the website and it’s the set without the book

Stephanie said

Oh bummers! :( I guess they just mentioned the book because the set was “inspired” by it.


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Quick update: the set linked from steepster was the set (though crazy-named)
Product Code: 504HWO
Home > “The 4-Hour Workweek” Collection > “The 4-Hour Workweek” Organic Yerba Mate Set
it includes: The organic mate set includes three ways to sip this intense infusion: pure, unadorned yerba mate, peppermint yerba mate and kuki yerba mate (one of Tim’s favorites, which includes green tea). This set also comes with an infusing basket that’s easy to use anywhere from the office to your next camping trip.

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Lori said

Hmm,,that was misleading…

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~lauren. said

Hey, AmazonV, did you check out the actual Select page? Check this out and go to April 14. It says “Save 20% on Samovar’s Four Hour Workweek Collection today in Steepster Select. It comes with 3 yerba mates, a brewing basket, and Tim Ferriss’ book.” I didn’t order on this Select so am not sure and don’t know how to call up that exact Select page for that date.

ETA: Okay, I think I found it:

It does say the book is included.

your search fu is wow!
Jason and I are popping some messages back and forth, it looks like a communications issue – he wanted to link to the one with the book or thought he was linking to the one with the book but was really linking to the other set.

~lauren. said

So glad to hear that something is going to happen and with you & Jason on the case, I think that means soon! Good luck!

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