Blood Thinners & Drinking Tea

I have a friend who is on blood thinners. She started asking me for flavored tea recommendations, but I didn’t know what to say. I don’t know much about this topic, and I don’t want to recommend something to her that could interfere with her medication. Can anyone knowledgeable about blood thinners weigh in?

5 Replies
Lala said

I do not see why tea would affect blood thinning medication at all. As far as I know there is no compound in tea that either thickens or thins the blood. So it should be no different that’s drinking water while on blood thinners. I have never came across anyone who was on blood thinners that was told to not drink tea.

In saying that, the easiest way to solve this problem is have your friend call her pharmacy, and they will be able to tell her if there are an contraindications for drinking tea.

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Uniquity said

My grandmother drank tea for years while on blood thinners, but I think as with all things medical she should confirm with her doctor or pharmacist. There could be other ingredients in her specific pills that we don’t know about.

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Green tea can have an effect on blood thinners. Like others have said, I would recommend your friend talk with her doc.

darby select said

I second this. I have been unable to donate blood due to my tea consumption as it affects the iron in your blood.

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Nerys said

Talk to your pharmacy they should know. Also maybe some herbs spices that are added to teas might be an issue with this.

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