Creative Tea "Schtuff"

Check this out!
Some really creative and bizarre stuff!!!! Thought you might enjoy!

16 Replies
Cofftea said

Bad TeaEqualsBliss… bad bad bad BAD BAD! Hehe I LOVE the origami bags… actually they’re almost enough to make me a sole tea bag drinker lol.:) I need to get those cigarettes for my mom.

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Bad??? :) I thought they were darned creative!!! And CRAZY but FUN! LOL

Cofftea said

Bad as in I’m going to “have” to buy some of these!

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Some very cool tea packaging there… I’ve tried a few of them.

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AhnaGrey said

Wow that is some very cool stuff. :]

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KaTEA said

I want them ALLLLLLL!!!! How very inventive. I love cool, unique things like that!!!

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KaTEA said

Oh ya..find more that was soo fun

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Jillian said

Sweet, those are awesome! I like the philosophy that appearence is a vital part of food/drink experience. :D

Cofftea said

I agree- that’s why I’m even considering getting Teavana’s clear chawan even though it’s the furthest thing from authentic lol.

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IdentiTEA said

From a marketing standpoint, Tea Forte has the cutest and most creative tea bags and teapots to go with it. However, I just wish their teas tasted better. They should have put a little more into R&D regarding the tea itself… then worked on the packaging. Priorities.

i have to say, i do really enjoy many of their teas, while others i hate, it’s hit or miss and it could be more to do with them heavily using flavors you are not fond of? (they seem to have a thing for ginger, lemongrass, lemon myrtle and licorice)

And TART fruity and fake chocolate. Bleh. I agree tho…there are a few I have enjoyed but many I have not…

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I seriously have been doing a few things like this!!! Not very successfully but I have been tinkering! I can do the envelops…just haven’t…I have a Cuttlebug machine that would be BRILLIANT in the creation of these! I am going to try them!

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Rabs said

Oooh — I love all of this! I discovered this from the Andrews & Dunham blog:

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