What a great article

A fabulous piece about over complicating tea:


MBT – Keep it simple

3 Replies

Totally – it made me chuckle when I saw a video of someone singing the praises of something called a “Perfect Tea Maker”. Seriously.

When did it need to become so complex, I get the measuring out the tea (I’ll prob buy a small set of electronic scales for about £7 on amazon) but the rest of it, there really is no need.

It all stinks of mass marketing, we’ll tell you you need it, you will believe it.

Boiling Water
Strainer / Infuser

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Ellyn select said

I love this. I agree!

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The sooner people wake up and smell the assam the better

Joking aside, how or why has it all become so technical. For hundreds of years the existing ways work just fine.

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