Straws for Tea

So I saw someone at work using a steel straw for their hot tea, and it got me to thinking, that’s a great idea to help with stains on your teeth from tea. However, when googling ‘stainless steel straws’, most site advise that they are not recommended for hot tea, probably due to the possibility of burns.

What are people’s thoughts on straws for tea? Anyone use other alternatives such as glass straws?

Thanks in advance for your opinions/experiences!

3 Replies
vc said

Do you mean like the straws that come with the stainless steel Starbucks cups they have in the summer?,default,pd.html?&srule=Featured&start=0&sz=16&cgid=cold-cups

I’ve seen replacement straws in store but now I can’t remember if they’re stainless steel or plastic..

Yes straws similar to those, although that one also specifies for cold drinks unfortunately. My roommate has one of those cups with the straw but only uses it for cold beverages, I mostly drink hot tea so the straw would have to be able to handle the hot temps, which I’m not sure metal straws can :(

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I think stainless steel straws should work fine provided you are careful not to sip too vigorously. Perhaps take the same precaution as sipping a hot drink from an infuser mug, especially the first few sips. Stainless steel straws have become popular with folks that do not like using the plastic straws for BPA/phthalates toxicity concerns as well as “green” considerations. Also, with the “pearly whites” craze, it seems a lot more people like to sip their tea or coffee with straws.

There are glass straws, although it would seem that stainless steel straws would clean more easily than glass. Would be interesting to hear your follow-up on the topic.

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