Got a tin of this in the store fairly recently. I brewed it according to instructions, and it was quite good. Very, very mild astringency. Produced a clear golden beige liquor. Has a light floral scent to it and a slightly milky and creamy taste reminiscent of a milk oolong, but more subtle. Also has a slightly tart after taste. However, it was too subtle and weak for my tastes. I upped the temperature to 190-195 degrees but kept the 4 minute steep time as i craved a slightly more bitter taste (I can be weird like that haha). The brew had the same color liquor Had almost the same taste (a bit stronger in every aspect) as the recommended 175 degree steep time but had that bitterness i craved.

Flavors: Cream, Floral, Milk, Tart, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

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15 Year old tea enthusiast. Always loved tea, but only recently have I discovered the world of loose leaf. Enjoying the journey!

I prefer straight teas, specifically green and light oolongs.


SF Bay Area



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