306 Tasting Notes
4.8g, 90 mL ZZZ
Wet leaf: smoke, barnyard
1st: light, quick sweetness. Had a banana beforehand so maybe not as much taste. Scalp numbing
2nd: got distracted and steeped far too long (few min). Immediate strong bitterness and a bit drying. Some sweetness after
3rd: stewed taste, bit drying still. Something like mothballs in the aftertaste. Some wall staring
Did a couple more steeps and then it fades away to a leafy WS storage taste. Basically some neutral head sensation? But also had caffeine earlier this morning too. Lackluster taste was sort of my fault. Will avoid eating bananas beforehand next time.
4.3g, 90 mL gaiwan.
wet leaf: smoky, barnyard, medicinal. WS storage note, sour, leather (?)
1. bitter/astringent upfront, some sour. smoke in aroma that reminds me of smoked kurobuta mini hot dogs at asian groceries. sweet finish, woody middle.
BBQ-y taste. quieting. did not steep for too long or take notes after since had guests over. Overall, I think it can still settle a bit. Some warmth.
Tongmu charcoal roast black tea
5/90 ml gaiwan
Wet leaf: dry smoky, sweet, fruity
Free sample from a forgotten order that I’ve been meaning to get around to… label says 2022 lol.
1. Oversteeped. Sour upfront and a little malty. Hint of bitter and florals somewhere. Tiny amount of sweetness on the finish
2. Unassuming. Probably understeeped. Just a bit sweet and slightly astringent
3. Sweet
4. Sort of dead. Stopped here
So a rinse probably wasn’t necessary here and took away from the tea. This is also 3 years old now, but certainly did not stand out here.
2017 wild LCSX
6g, 90 mL gaiwan
Wet leaf: sweet, baking spices, graham cracker, smoke. Gaiwan lid once cooled is a dark inky sweet smell
1. Having finished these cups, something in the lingering aftertaste is a dead ringer for not-sweet bland purple dragon fruit. Sometimes those are duds with a particular taste that is also here
Octagon cup: Medicinal, smoke, sour, sweet quickly after. Slight cooling and green taste in finish
Cup F: more woody sour. Not as rich, but maybe just from having cooled more?
Kangiiten tall cup: also more sour woody. Maybe taste buds just saturated now
2. slight bitter, medicinal. Drank quicker and i think previous differences are due to temp. Oops. Sugary aftertaste lingers a bit and somewhat extends to throat
3 and 4. Woody
Ended w half cup of steep one that brought back all the highlights: inky florals, minty, sweet, wood. Nice way to finish
thermos’d the leaves and ended with a nice mug. nice tea, though not quite berry forward as the notes I saw online. maybe those are fading? it is approaching year 8 after all…
I also wonder how much the differences noticed in cup comparisons are due to temperature. I have a bunch of cups now, so I should do one myself. :)
@Leafhopper You should! It’s fun to bring things out in rotation, and you’ll probably figure out general preferences. I mostly use a hagi ware cup that I really like for almost all teas, and then sometimes bring out the Kangiiten and DXJD cups. One antique Japanese cup I own makes green teas taste kind of sharp, so that might be something in the glaze reacting, and kind of interesting. While others don’t usually taste too different, I learned I don’t like most teas in the really beautiful but thin lipped hand painted Korean cups I have from TShopNY. A shame because they were rather expensive…
Oof! You really do have more cups than me. I have some big, inexpensive porcelain cups that I use regularly, as well as a Buchangqi Gaoyibei and 1980s wood-fired porcelain Ruoshen cup from DXJD. I also have a very small blue line ROC porcelain cup that I hardly use at all. I don’t have any clay cups for comparison. I should have rectified that when I made my big Hojo order recently.
@Leafhopper Porcelain is king for good reason anyway, haha. The gaoyibei is nice! (As are the smaller vintage cups from DXJD, though I find those impractical for solo drinking outside of saving a small amount of the first steeps of oolongs.) Have since stopped amassing cups, having learned my lesson w costs + space to stop buying either a ton of cheap cups or a few expensive cups and just be happy with the few I gravitate towards.
I didn’t know Hojo sold cups. I mostly see people buying teapots from him. The Japanese clay cups I have are glazed, so other than the reactive one, they’re mostly very neutral. I bought some off eBay and my favorite from Tezumi. Tezumi still has a few nice Hagi options if you’re interested, though shipping from Thailand can be a bit pricey.
I also tend not to use my smaller cups, such as the ROC blue line porcelain and the wood-fired one from DXJD. I’ve basically stopped buying small cups for this reason.
I just checked his website and Hojo sells Kobiwako, Mumyoi, and Nosaka cups, though you’re right that people mostly buy pots from him. I did a bunch of research a long time ago about which of his clays are best for gaoshan (Mumyoi, Iga, and maybe Nosaka, I think). I don’t want to spend a bunch of money just to learn I can’t tell the difference!
5.1g, Fu San Liao cha
135 ml Zini
Wet leaf: marshmallow sweet, woody, medicinal sour tinge
1. Good texture. Woody medicinal, some sweetness and minerality (rain on concrete like?). Sleepy
2. Shou like taste. Feeling is calm and warming, mostly downwards.
3. Soft grainy sweet taste
4. Jujube/date taste
5. Woody, jujube taste, sweet grainy finish
tossed in the thermos after since was starting to die out. Despite being large leaf, tasted mostly stewed after maybe two hours?
was interviewing and wanted something comfortable but not too downing or attention grabbing. was a good choice, though remain unlikely to repurchase due to price.
finishing zipin bing hole sample to chase away the bugs after holiday travel. ended up being a bit too strong though and felt a little dizzy after.
5.3g, 90 mL ZZZ, mixed water
wet: smoky, vegetal, sweet, BBQ, mint
1. smoky, bitter, resolves to sweet floral finish but still a bit pond water tasting
2. medicinal
3. lingering fruity note but upfront pill like bitterness
was distracted after but steeped a couple more times before the tea was mostly dead. some warmth, but this was after a turbulent morning flight and was already sort of nauseous to start.
5.7g, 90 mL ZZZ
wet leaf: berries, campfire smoke, BBQ, inky sweet
1. spices. woody, fruity in throat. spaced out heady. some underlying bitterness
2. dark, medicinal, smoke, woody, grassy. something sour incense like lingering sweetness in throat
3. greener in taste. mushroom-y finish
4. indistinct woody
5. softly sweet. mugged
I like this tea, though longevity leaves something to be desired across a lot of my BYH teas. Split a partial cake with a tea friend and haven’t seen more full cakes offered by TWL since the initial offering in March. Though given the cost (1.30/g after shipping), I would not go out of my way to buy more.
5.7g, 135 mL zini.
wet leaf: medicinal, barnyard, smoke
1. root beer sweetness. sugary aftertaste, some plum
2. woody bland, a little sweet
3-5. similar
nothing too exciting, but for 13c/g can’t complain. KL’s heichas are mostly background teas and not worth devoting time to brew with care.
4.1g, 135 mL zini
smells a bit musty and minty
1. medicinal, menthol. that and TeaDB’s leather shoes a la Payless comment is 100% fitting
2. woody, same payless leather shoe undertone and a bit chocolate-y
3. payless chocolate milk. brown sugary aftertaste. cozy.
had to stop since i was pretty sick and felt awful. short changed myself here and need to stop being tempted by my best teas when I’m sick.
5.4g, 90 mL ZZZ
in line w/ trad storage history, there’s visible frost on the leaves, though maybe not to Yee on extent. rinsed a bit longer because the spout clogged from the broken bits.
wet leaf: woody, aroma carries a bit of cheesy funk that some of the Yee on teas also have. some toad skin texture.
1: shou-like color, a welcome change from the lighter than expected brews of the past few days. good texture. root taste, some beet and bitterness. Quick light sweetness after
2: sweet, some generic root-y taste. cozy
3: good texture. flat taste w slight bitter edge. some cooling in finish
4 and 5: similar
6: herbal taste. mugged it after
given that most teas are not liquid assets, preference obviously matters in building a collection since a lot of modern hobbyists seem like hoarders. While I don’t find this tea especially compelling, that’s due to personal preference. And plenty would disagree it seems, since this tea has sold out several times on Hou De’s site. Unlikely to cake this.
5.5g, 90 mL ZZZ
wet leaf: sweet, very light retired smoke
1. bitter medicinal that melts away. something like burnt rubber that was also in the Jing Chang Hao recently, and clove-like note in aftertaste. Peaceful and stilling, nice tea for a rainy Thanksgiving in solitude
2. medicinal sour. some warmth. light floral edge, and a lingering bitterness. Leaves are the greenest of the aged Yiwus I’ve had recently, so maybe also needs the most time to settle. Some lingering aftertaste, but lighter than those ones.
3. strong taste and thinner texture than the others. Hawthorn candy flakes note that seems to crop up in some aged Yiwus.
4. similar.
5. leafy taste. Mugged and topped up with extra hot water after a few hours for a pleasantly sweet cup.
Lots of good aspects are present that need some coaxing. Maybe DTH’s Fujian storage is not as intense as TW dry that the other Yiwus I have went through. With age should be more receptive to pushing and make the nicer aspects more obvious. Fairly relaxing, and maybe not the best choice for getting work done.