1220 Tasting Notes
I can’t believe I haven’t gone back to this tea after all these months, and that I didn’t make the mistake of not getting more when my boyfriend stopped at DT for me. So this is finishing what Kittenna sent me, and then I have that.
I also got my replacement bubble teapot but I think it’s still not up to par, but now I feel like a jerk if I ask them about it again. I know it’s their job to make me happy and all but now I’m like seriously, is everyone with this gold winter tree one having paint chips and I’m just really picky? If they weren’t so obvious flaws I guess I wouldn’t be so bothered but I feel like once you notice them, they become obvious flaws.
Anyway. I remember the first time I drank this I really didn’t notice that it was so glittery (duh, name) because I used a t-sac..although I can’t remember now if I used one of my white mugs or black mugs, which could also have probably made it difficult. So I used my black mug and wowowow SO PRETTY.
The spiced orange flavor is perfect for a day like today, overcast and at the time I was drinking, it was still raining. I steeped it below the recommended time but I think it could do the 4 and not be terrible for me.
It also went perfectly with my breakfast, pumpkin pie oatmeal I cooked in a water bath in my slow cooker all night. Sooooo good. Since I used that Nutcracker Sweet tea for the water in the recipe, there were already elements of this tea in there, in addition to adding more cinnamon and cloves in there. Perfect match!
I’m trying to drink up more old teas before I open new ones (except Weeping Angel, I’m almost to the Doctor Who episode they first appear in and I’m having a cup with it), and I completely forgot about this tea so it was exciting to find it…it seems like I only drank it once, which is sad.
I’ve got the radio up pretty loud cause the guy above me was vacuuming, and for some reason this turned Sebastian into a chatterbox. So here he is: http://youtu.be/pcf0kO3vonI He’s quiet now but he was really getting into it.
I just got distracted realizing if I do well next semester, I can graduate next fall. Here I was thinking I had to go until spring 2014 because I wasn’t going to get the C in health econ. YISSSSS.
This is so tasty still. I love the nuttiness of genmaicha mixed with tart cherry and tangy cheesecake. I also like that it’s not too sweet to have right now, because I haven’t had dinner yet.
Seriously though I have to definitely try what I mentioned in my only other tasting note on this tea. Infuse this in some butter for a cheesecake crust, that would be so good. But I almost don’t want to lose out on that tea for drinking!
12 teas, day 3. Another unsuccessful guess upon opening the package. For some reason I thought orange! Weird.
I only have one tasting note on this one and it was a cold steep. I swear I may have drank it another time and not logged it but anyway, I knew I hadn’t had it hot either.
Finally getting to write this note is a pain. First this morning, the water was out. I needed to wash my clothes. I drank some of this and went back to sleep for the time being, and around 1:30, it was back on but it was lunchtime. So I ate first then loaded up the washer…only for the power to go out around 2:15 and stay out for an hour.
Miraculously at this point the washer did not grow feet and leave with all my wet clothes.
So, I do definitely like this tea hot and I want to have another cup of it later! It seemed pretty creamy when I cold steeped it but I think it’s even more marshmallowy when it’s hot. And the lemon flavor is sweet, so it really reminds me of like a lemon pound cake. I wish that would be in season…lemon pound cake, maybe with some matcha…though I am fine with a great tea equivalent to that right now!
I really have nothing to add about the yun wu because I think everything about this tea is just so well melded together it’s not easy for me even after the fact to think how this tasted as separate components. It’s a great match for lemon, perhaps the reason for the buttery type cake taste too.
This is probably better with sugar. I just really don’t want any right now. So it was probably a bad choice but I’ve been meh about trying it so I finally decided to.
I’m really not a fan so far of any of the S&V teas I’ve had. Followed the recommendations, this tastes barely like strawberry. Definitely no cake or frosting or anything like that. Not very sweet, not very tasty. As it cools the tea itself gets really astringent too.
Definitely not one to drink without additions I guess.
Onto day two, I again opened this last night and tried to guess what it was. I had completely forgotten about this one and was left wondering, bubblegum tea? Did I miss a bubblegum tea?
Ah yes, breakfast smoothie honeybush! I’d totally take a bubblegum tasting smoothie to be honest.
This time around though drinking it hot does not remind me of bubblegum. It tastes like all the fruits with a bit of creaminess. Mostly orange, then banana, not as much pineapple.
Still tasty though. This reminds me I definitely should go back to this tea. Tasty, tangy, and sweet. And not so bad after all when hot.
I keep finding myself writing about the last tea I drank while drinking a new one.
I was trying to resist this tea but I just couldn’t. I don’t like egg nog unless a) it’s filled with alcohol so you can forget the fact that it’s eggs and cream because just in case it’s filled with salmonella, you’ve now got enough alcohol in your system to possibly not be worried or b) it contains no egg or cream like so Delicious’s amazing coconut milk one.
So this tea is already up there in awesomeness, because it is another option and much, much lighter. That’s not to say though that it isn’t filled with flavor. Because it is, it’s so custardy and rich, and amazing. Definitely tastes like eggnog! I’m glad it’s not too spiced because I’ve never been a fan of heavily spiced eggnog.
The base tea is buttery and blends together with the eggnog flavors so well. I was intrigued when Stacy first mentioned on Facebook that it was going to have a green tea base. Honestly I have no idea what would really work with eggnog flavor in a tea but who even cares, this works as it is!
I need to try sweetening it next time. I also tried a second steep but did not enjoy it as much as the first.
Thanks for this, Missy and Dylan, wherever you guys are~
I like blood oranges, and I like chocolate. This seems like an odd combination though because blood oranges are like oranges on steroids. I don’t really think they match chocolate because they’re both more tart and sweeter than regular old oranges to me.
Not that it mattered, I could hardly taste chocolate in here. For the most part it was like a blood orange creamsicle in tea form.
It might be better to me as an iced tea, though it wasn’t bad hot. Still I have to say it’s pretty cool that a blood orange chocolate tea was ever even attempted, never would have thought of that myself.
Thank you for some of this tea, Ellyn! I love love love it.
Violet is probably my favorite floral flavor. This was actually not as strongly flavored as I thought it was going to be. It’s sweet and smooth, and I would not mind having a full tin of this, I have to say. Definitely tastes like violet, but not like jamming a dozen flowers in your face at once.
btw here is my Delta teacup. We’re planning to go back to their museum on one of the days they have their DC-3 open so I am totally gonna get more of these: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/181857_4183797362221_1149167893_n.jpg
Ahhhh 12 Teas of Christmas, your time has come on such a horrible day.
I like what the White House Spokesman had to say:
"I think it’s important on a day like today to view this as I know the president, as a father does and I as a father and others who are parents certainly do, which is to feel enormous sympathy for families that are affected and to do everything we can to support state and local law enforcement and support those who are enduring what appears to be a very tragic event. There is, I’m sure, will be, rather, a day for discussion of the usual Washington policy debates but I don’t think today is that day."
Anyway. I needed to get that off my chest. I wish so many people would show some respect first or go write their Senators and House Rep without blathering on and on via social media and just do something right without making it about them.
I opened this at midnight and knew what it was immediately after smelling.
I’d never tried it hot since it came out at the perfect time for iced tea, so I thought I’d try that first this morning.
I figure I’ve had a lot of the teas in this box but it will be good to revisit some and hopefully be motivated to get them back out of the cabinet or wherever they are. I haven’t had this one in awhile because I think I’ve more or less been hoarding it.
It’s definitely not as amazing hot as it is iced, at least for me. It still has all the sweet, sugary flavors but I feel like they just pop more when the tea is cold. So I left the mug to cool and am enjoying the sweet, sweet tastes of pink cotton candy.
That’s about it. I can’t think of anything else to say because I’m pretty upset about the news today. I just imagine this tea would be popular with kindergarteners, because what 5 year old doesn’t love cotton candy and it breaks my heart even more. It might be kind of odd to dedicate a cup of tea, but that is how I feel right now. This is sweet just like I imagine every single one of those babies. RIP <3
AHHHH I GOT A C IN HEALTH ECONOMICS SO I DON’T NEED TO RETAKE IT. I’m pretty sure I did worse than that but I guess he realized he was terrible so everyone deserves a C. (C- = retake. BLEH)
Anyway I had this last night because I wanted to see if it would make me sleepy. I cannot tell you about the “aphrodisiac uses” but I will tell you about the 1 tbsp in 12 oz of water method of gettin’ sleepy.
It works quickly! It tastes terrible though, at least to me. Very effective, but has the flavor of cedar chips.
I’m not sure if this would taste very good if you tried to sweeten it but ugh, it made me tired but the taste was not worth it. I think I’ll try mixing it with the Schisandra berries I got just to get rid of that bitterness/woodsy flavor. I mean, it is bark so obviously there’s no way to get rid of that.
But it’s definitely a cool herbal tea, especially for falling asleep. And you feel warm and fuzzy first. If chamomile fails you, catuaba is here to back you up.
That is too weird. I just got on steepster to look up the infusion times for the catuaba and since I was only going to use a bit, I was thinking of mixing the Schisandra berries with it! Apparently the catuaba will wake me up with 1-3 grams but will make me sleepy with more of it? That’s odd.
oh oh hey! my tree on my brand new still in the box bubble teapot is not all painted on either! and one of my tree mugs has a weird dent blip in the side too.
and i thought about asking for a replacement, but they already sent me a free gongfu cuz of order shipment problems.
and i just feel like a whiner but i’m not sure what to do. let me know what you decide to do.
I posted it to their facebook page just to see if anyone else had probs like that, so now knowing there’s definitely other people, I really don’t even want to bother. Kind of sucks that it’s so poorly made so I don’t think I will ever be purchasing any other pretty things from them again since whoever’s making them for them does poor work.
eek that sucks. I wanted that teapot.
also I have never tried tea in oatmeal but I keep seeing it done. I must try that!! I just bought a bag of chewy thick cut oats that are super yummy. I have a bunch of chai, I bet that’d be good in oatmeal.