When I saw a list of teas in stock, and only one White Chocolate Grasshopper was left, I hightailed it to the 52teas website and was psyched to see it was still there. Mine mine MINE.
It came today, and first thing I did was smell it…and I was kind of scared. I’ve never had a honeybush tea before, so I figured it was the problem since the mint and vanilla smelled like legit mint and vanilla…spearmint at that…yum.
So after dinner, I decided to have a cup (groaning on the way to the kitchen that I actually had to use a kettle in order to get boiling water). After brewing it still had that weirdly sweet smell.
Unlike the tea I had the day before, it wasn’t too much for my nose to handle and I really enjoyed this tea. It could use a bit more chocolate (…I’m pretty sure though I would think ANYTHING needs a bit more chocolate) but it is so good. I love mint and vanilla together. I thought maybe it would be a bit too sweet for my tastes, but it’s perfect.
Maybe I will sit one of these aerated Hershey Kisses in the bottom of my cup next time…it’s almost midnight but I want to do that right nooooow…
So you’re the one that snatched it! I must have gotten there a minute after you, and it was already gone… :(
Oh well. Maybe next time.
Enjoy your tea!