Raspberry Oolong

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Ricky
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 14 oz / 414 ml

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  • “I felt like celebrating with Rijje today. And for that we need a good old favourite that, to my surprise, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had. If it’s been so long since I’ve had it, HOW COME...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sorry I haven’t been posting lately; I have finally reached that stage in my tea life where I am drinking tea but don’t have much of a desire to write about it. Mostly it’s not new tea, for one....” Read full tasting note
  • “I found a little bit of this leftover in a random HOME stash and had it cold brewed in my Steep & Go! Apparently I was NOT using the Steep & Go properly so NOW I am having much more luck...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the 3rd tea I got from Angrboda and I think this might be my favorite of the three. The steeping instructions recommended 8 minutes in boiling water, but I’m a bit leery of using boiling...” Read full tasting note

From A.C. Perch's Thehandel

Very tasty Oolong tea with raspberry taste. Great flavour. Infuse for 8 minutes and boiling water.

About A.C. Perch's Thehandel View company

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43 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

I felt like celebrating with Rijje today. And for that we need a good old favourite that, to my surprise, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had.

If it’s been so long since I’ve had it, HOW COME THERE’S SO LITTLE LEFT IN THE TIN, HMMM???

Who nicked it? Fess up!


I blame those pesky tea gnomes!


It was me! While completely failing to fly over Denmark on my way to Japan because it is in the opposite direction, I lowered a bucket at a strategic moment and STOLE IT ALL.

Unfortunately, before I could reel the bucket back in, it was eaten by a herring.


Oh Ewa. ♥


I feel like gloating. Got 150 gr. of this :P
Bought some extra in Denmark, because I didn’t want to run out of it <3


I think I’ll double up too when the time comes to replenish the stocks…


Oh no! I think the gnomes raided my cabinet too!!! Where’d it all go!??!


It was probably Ewa. Apparently she’s displaying some cleptomaniac tendencies…


The reach of my buckets is vast, VAST!

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2201 tasting notes

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately; I have finally reached that stage in my tea life where I am drinking tea but don’t have much of a desire to write about it. Mostly it’s not new tea, for one. Actually I have been missing my usual “tea times” for no good reason except that I am preoccupied and stressed. Tea would make it better, of course!

The first time I had this tea, I was underwhelmed. The second time, I was pleasantly suprised. This time I am not surprised, but it is pleasant. The raspberry is so juicy and natural tasting, and the oolong is a nice background. It’s not really easy to pinpoint as a green oolong or dark oolong, but rather has subtle characters of each. A slight touch of roastiness here, the hint of a floral background there. It’s really quite a nice blend.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Well don’t write much if you don’t care to, but for the companionship and friendship…this is a great destress point. We do care! No soap opera’s but good people. Glad to OO see you!


Glad to see you Dinosara! Sorry life has been stressful as of late. :( I sometimes feel like just lurking in the background – the last week has been a week full of get other things done so I find I have to keep myself away from here in order to do that. Its understood and you should do what feels right to you!


Thanks guys. I of course have been checking Steepster nonstop and reading everyone else’s notes and the discussions… not even that can keep me away! :)


Raspberry is my darling fruit …and a reason why I am always reticent to have a tea with this flavor fearing some disappointment. Welcome back on the writing side of steepster :)


Hope you feel less stressed soon. Tea does help somehow, it is really quite magic.

And funny, I also had this one yesterday! No tasting note, because i really had nothing new to add. The last little tiny bits of the sample Angrboda so kindly sent me. Raspberry is indeed a special fruit.

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6768 tasting notes

I found a little bit of this leftover in a random HOME stash and had it cold brewed in my Steep & Go! Apparently I was NOT using the Steep & Go properly so NOW I am having much more luck with it! YAY! Duh…me! Anyhow…I don’t really think Cold Brewed is the way to go with this one. I do – however – LOVE this one HOT – and will keep the rating as-is.

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1908 tasting notes

This is the 3rd tea I got from Angrboda and I think this might be my favorite of the three. The steeping instructions recommended 8 minutes in boiling water, but I’m a bit leery of using boiling water for oolongs (I’ve wrecked a few that way) so I dialed down the temp to 90 celcius.

The smell is wonderful, I kept hovering over the mug while it was steeping so I could inhale the scent of sweet rasperries. By the way, this tea gets major point for NO HIBISCUS – I like you already AC Perch, even if the shipping you charge is insane for anyone this side of the Atlantic. ;D

The tea itself tastes quite light, a little surprising for me who was expecting something a bit more full-flavoured like the Tung Ting and the Ti Kuan Yin I’ve been drinking. I wonder if I just didn’t added enough leaf or maybe I should have steeped it in boiling water. Hm. At least Angrboda gave me a generous amount of this tea, so I’ve got room to experiment. :)

The raspberry is faint but it’s also quite distinct to my senses and it leaves a nice, lingering sort of aftertaste in the back of my mouth. It gives the tea a slightly astringent quality, but nothing powerful or unpleasent.

I’m rating this tea at 75 for now, but it’ll probably be subject to change once I get a chance to muck around with some of the variables.

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more

How did this pass under my nose? I’m glad you liked it. It’s a definite re-order for me. :)


I do wonder if I’m doing something wrong that I’m not getting a huge amount of raspberry flavour.

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139 tasting notes

So raspberry, so oolong! So amazing together.

I steeped using the same method I normally do for oolongs – more leaf and shorter infusions.
The first two were perfect. The third was a little short on the raspberry, and the fourth had no raspberry at all. However the oolong is so delicious in itself that they were wonderful cups too.

I’m now going to visit their web site to see how much their international shipping is. I have a feeling I’m going to be needing more of this. The second option, of course, is moving to Denmark.

Thank you Angrboda for sharing this divine tea.


Isn’t it just fab? :D It’s one of my favourites to share, because it always goes down so well :) I think they use the regular danish postal service fees for shipping, so unfortunately, if you think it turns out a bit steep, I don’t even think I could give you any advantage by purchasing for you and forwarding. :(


Wow, shipping from Denmark is astronomical! Why is that?

Winter Salo

wow sounds amazing, sometimes oolong teas concentrate so much on the ‘extra’ that they forget about the quality of the oolong and once the extra is lost in the reinfuse the oolong doesn’t hold up. This sounds like a great tea – I’ve always wanted to try a berry oolong now you’re making so jealous! :)

Pity about the shipping… :/


Because the danish post service charge the price of a small jet just to post stuff within the country. They raised the price of postage of a standard priority A letter last year from 5,50 kr to 8 kr in one go… Where I work all departments have been told to make sure to send all mail as priority B mail, unless it really IS urgent. I believe the problem lies in more and more things taking place over the internet instead of via post and also, while they do not have an actual official monopoly on mail delivery, they also don’t have any competition to force them to keep prices down.

I’m sorry it remains out of your reach. I’d happily be middle-man for you, but I don’t think it would be any cheaper for you.


Winter Salo, I would offer to share a sample with you as it’s one of my Standards. Unfortunately I’m currently out of it and can’t get more for a little while as I’ve placed myself under a bit of a buying embargo. I need to empty 8 more tins and finish 18 more samples before I’m allowed to purchase…
But if you see me posting about it in the future and remind me, we can totally work something out. :)


Raspberry oolong sounds really good!

Winter Salo

wow thanks Angrboda that’s really nice of you. :) I totally understand a self imposed buying embargo I’ve tried to do it to myself this month… but I’m not sure I can make it I there’s a couple of teas I’m just itching to try. I guess November isn’t too far.


I tend to say I have to finish so and so many tins and so and so many samples before I’m allowed to buy. I find it motivates me to actually use up stuff before it gets too old and it’s easier for me than simply waiting for a specific date. I keep a little note of it on my tea shelves, making a mark every time I’ve emptied something. :)

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247 tasting notes

Oh! It is so good! That’s about the only thing I can think right now. This is, hands down, the best raspberry flavored anything I have tasted! And, considering it’s paired with a phenomenal oolong, it’s even better.

Normally, when raspberry is in a tea, the result is a bitter-tasting brew. Not so with this tea. It’s extraordinary. The raspberry is so sweet and delicious, but not at all syrupy. The oolong is probably the best part. It’s a roasty, delicious oolong that pairs wonderfully with the raspberry, keeping it from going off the sweet-o-meter. The result is a fabulous raspberry oolong that I would seriously be willing to either pay the shipping to have sent to me from Denmark, or, preferably, just fly to Denmark myself to pick up.

It’s lovely! Thank you so very much to Angrboda for sending me this tea sample.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m jealous! This oolong sounds like perfection.


yummmmm! Raspberry and oolong sounds delish.


It is Teh Awesum! And if you decide to fly to Denmark to pick it up, stop in here as well. :)

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362 tasting notes

I thought I had already tried this! So curious about it, thought I had tried it and find the very generous sample Angrboda gave me unopened. I do have too many teas, it is now confirmed.

I am not too crazy about oolong normally. I do love raspberries though, and this red fruit oolong from a local tea seller works for me in a good way. In all good omens.

The tea did not disappoint – it smells incredibly strongly of raspberry, in a way that seemed a little bit artificially flavoured (but I am paranoid). But when infusing the taste is pure natural raspberry, a little bit tart which is just right for things with a raspberry taste. Lovely! Though I think I should have been more generous with the dosage or skimpier with the ammount of water – and this will definetely get multiple steeps just to see how it goes.

200 °F / 93 °C

Funny, I could have sworn I had seen you post about it too! Odd. Anyway, I’m sure you can see why this is my favourite one to share. :) I’m glad you enjoyed it.


I was pretty sure I had opened it and tried it, but found the sample unopened. Oh well, either I confused it with the cranberry-vanilla black tea you sent me or with the redfruitsooolong I had! But I can not find any previous reviews, so yeah weird, particularly if there are two of us thinking that!

(still got to try the tanzania, though I did open it, it smells pretty different from the mozambique, a bit more intense, muskier even)


Perhaps you just told me about it by email? But yeah, it’s possible I got them mixed up as well. :)


It must have been my mail! or a mutual hallucination :)

It is lovely, and I am not usually a fan of oolongs! thanks for sending such a generous sample, i will have fun experimenting with brewing it.

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1112 tasting notes

Another Traveling Tea Box Tea!

It is a dreary rainy day here, and I thought something berrylicious would perk me up :) Time to try the Raspberry Oolong! I was delighted to see raspberry pieces in the tea – and is that a blueberry too!?!?!?

1st steep – I decided to be conservative (for once in my life!) and try 5 minutes instead of 8, and use 190 deg water and not boiling. Gorgeous fragrance of tea and berries! It was VERY hard to wait for this to steep because it smelled so good. OOoooh I get to pour now!!! sip sip sip WOW! This is SO DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A really great sweet/tart thing going on, but mostly sweet, and 100% natural tasting. The oolong is a winner – no bitterness. I love it!!!

2nd steep, 6 min: Very similar to the first! Still getting luscious berries and the wonderful tea taste. A+++++

I am soooo thrilled that I got to try this, AND that I have just about another teaspoon for another pot! I am going to save it for another dreary day so that I can have a bright spot.

(I love the Traveling Tea Box!!!!!!)

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I’m not sure about the blueberry… I know which ones you’re thinking of, I just thought they looked more like black currant. Now I’m not sure what I think they are. It’s been a while since I ran out.

This one is taking the world by storm, it seems. I wonder if AC Perch’s will send me some more for free if I point them at the rave reviews they’re getting. ;)
Huge favourite of mine.


I googled black currant for images and that IS what it looks like!!!! I learned something new (and delicious!) today! I will seek other black currant things out :) This is probably why I didn’t know what it was (from wikipedia):

Blackcurrants were once popular in the United States as well, but became rare in the 20th century after currant farming was banned in the early 1900s when blackcurrants, as a vector of white pine blister rust, were considered a threat to the U.S. logging industry.3 The federal ban on growing currants was shifted to jurisdiction of individual states in 1966, and was lifted in New York State in 2003 through the efforts of horticulturist Greg Quinn. As a result, currant growing is making a comeback in New York, Vermont, Connecticut and Oregon.45 However, several statewide bans still exist including Maine6, Massachusetts[citation needed] and New Hampshire.7

Since the American federal ban ceased currant production nationally for nearly a century, the fruit remains largely unknown in the United States and has yet to regain its previous popularity to levels enjoyed in Europe or New Zealand. Owing to its unique flavor and richness in polyphenols, dietary fiber and essential nutrients, awareness and popularity of blackcurrant is once again growing, with a number of consumer products entering the market.



Interesting. :) It’s a relatively common garden bush/tree here. We had a great big one in the garden where I grew up, and my mother used to make jam if there were enough berries. Sometimes insects got them first. It’s difficult to find a ‘wild’ blueberry spot here on the other hand.


You stole the rest of it! Haha, great tea =P

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93 tasting notes

Oolong is one of my favorite cups. Sweet, but not overly so.
It’s like the grayzone between green and black tea – which it is, but that “grey” zone has it’s taste of it’s own. It’s like when it’s raining and the sun shines through and make a rainbow. That’s how I see oolong… visually.

The rasberry is perfectly blended into the tea, like many of Perchs blends.
You can’t seperate the taste of oolong and rasberry – it’s “tied” together in a duet.
I am always suprised by it’s taste. Full of … notes, but still neutral.
It’s one of the teas I have standing in my workplace, to drink when I don’t have the time to decide “what I want”. And because of it’s peculiar smell, my collegues haven’t dared to taste it yet, so there it stands for me alone like a undiscovered tresure chest.

One of my top 5.


The unmentionable raspberry oolong strikes again! I’ve got a new supply on the way which I’m hoping I’ll get by friday. I can’t wait to get it and make a pot.


lol – but isnt friday a… helligdag? Can’t find the word for it in english.
All the stores up here are closed on friday. Postoffice also.


Holiday. :)
Yes, but I ganged up with Lexitus for the order and we placed it last friday, so we’re counting on it arriving sooner. I just don’t see him until next friday.


Ahh, mystery solved.

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4324 tasting notes

Another from Greenteafairy from a LOOONGG time ago.  Thank you! I really loved it the first time I had it, years ago- a divine raspberry flavor.  I wouldn’t guess this is an oolong from looking at it though – it looks like a green base.   With this great raspberry flavor though, I guess it doesn’t matter what the base is…  Only hints of that raspberry remaining now, which I’m a bit sad about. This gets a Steepster rating of 87 so I think others agree it’s delicious!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 30 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep

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