Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot Oil, Black Tea
Astringent, Bergamot, Malt, Wet Wood, Bread, Citrus, Earth, Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Lemon, Pine, Smooth, Wood, Bitter, Hay, Pepper, Earthy, Musty, Woody, Mocha, Orange, Perfume, Orange Blossom, Fruity, Jasmine, Mineral
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 g 12 oz / 363 ml

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From Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

Black Tea flavored with Bergamot Oil, Mountain Air, Golden Sunsets, and a Lifetime of Adventure

Welcome to Mount Gray!

Long a cherished landmark, Mount Gray is truly monumental. Since its discovery in the early 19th century, generations of adventure-seekers have been drawn to the dense woods which blanket its gentle slopes. Breathtaking heights abound with lush, fragrant vegetation, and scenic trails offer surprises for even the most frequent visitors. Mount Gray was formed by a geological process involving black tea from Asia and citrus oil from southern Europe, a remarkable combination which continues to delight visitors of all ages.

Planning Your Visit

Visitors are welcome year-round, but will find Mount Gray most crowded during the dreary winter months and on rainy afternoons. We recommend you pack plenty of boiling water, mugs, and spoons.

Regulations in Brief

Milk, sugar, honey, and lemons are all permitted. Steeping is allowed without a permit, but should be restricted to 4 minutes.

Instructions: Steep in boiling water for 4 minutes.


About Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea View company

Andrews & Dunham knows that nothing beats a perfect cup of tea, and a great tea needs no explanation. We love the romance of tea. We love that tea might just be the healthiest thing you’ll ever drink. But if the tea you’re drinking doesn’t taste fantastic, you’re missing out. Only a few teas meet our mysterious, rigorous standards and we’re proud to offer them to you. We’re always looking for that perfect cup, so you don’t have to.

85 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

I feel like I needed this tea today.
I feel like nothing else would do.

Thankfully I have it on hand.
Maybe it’ll snap me out of this funk.

ETA: It did. It snapped me out and I feel more like a thinking breathing human being again.

Oh and here’s a trailer for the Christmas episode of Doctor Who: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TWwYLlcPekA


Hmmm. Interesting trailer. I really am excited for 12, but I don’t know how the episode’s going to be. I feel like there’s too much pizazz around it.


Yeah, it does seem all over the place.
To be honest, I’ve never really liked the Christmas episodes. They seem like they’re usually the worst – super cheesy robot Santas etc running around. Sorta cringe-worthy.

My favourite was the Christmas Carol one – was that last year?

I’m excited about 12 too.


I totally can’t watch the trailer. Matt Smith was my first doctor and thinking about the end of him makes me weepy. I’ll be a disaster on Christmas night. I am still excited to see what Capaldi brings to the table, but I have such fondness for Smith.


Awwwww. :( I get that. I really do. I struggled to finish watching the end of 11 because I just didn’t want to move on. I actually stopped watching DW for 6 months because I didn’t want to watch the last few episodes.

And then I fell in love with Smith.

So I’m hoping this transition won’t be so difficult.


I think I will need a fresh box of tissues for that episode…


i must have watched last years xmas episode a good 15 times. it was so comforting and fun! and i love matt smith, but hell if i’m not super excited about capaldi. he made me almost cry in torchwood and i haven’t forgotten him since. i think he is gonna be magic. (just like i knew matt would be. those cats can act!)


Glad this tea made you feel better, Cavo. :)

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1112 tasting notes

It’s dreary, rainy, and cold, but what do I care?! I’m on Mount Gray!

As soon as I saw this offered, I knew I had to jump on it — I’m am Earl Grey Fiend and I loved what A&D did with their last Earl. As always, it came lickety-split (with an AWESOME Mount Gray magnet. Thank you! I love the little clever extras A&D include with their teas!).

I think this might be my favorite A&D tin yet. The hand catching the plane! The bear on the top! The wood grain! The color (or mostly lack thereof) scheme! Well done, well done.

Ok, the tea. It’s supremely bergamot-y. The tea base is good and robust. I wanted to take it plain, so I only steeped it for three minutes. Perfect. I can see this one at 4 minutes with milk and sugar if I was in the mood for that, but I wouldn’t take it over three minutes if you are going to drink it plain. It resteeps beautifully. Lighter on the bergamot, but the tea is still completely flavorful and similar to many teas first steeps.

I don’t want to get embroiled in gender politics, but this is a manly Earl Gray if I ever tasted one. I love my delicate Earls, but for those times that you want to cut through exhaustion and fog — this is your man. This is an Earl at 11 :) Great for work, great for school. Love, love, love.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds awesome.


It has put me in the best mood :) It has jacqeuphoric (TM Lady Londonderry) properties!

Rob Rauschenberg

You are really selling me on this one because I’ve been on the fence. I have so much EG already but I do like a strong bergamot EG.


I find that like Chai, there are so many variations! I have 6 different Earls right now and they are all so different. This one bold in bergamot AND tea.

Rob Rauschenberg

That is so true about EG & Chai. It can be like night and day between the variations too.

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3294 tasting notes

I used to enjoy an occasional Earl Grey over ice.
Then I didn’t.
I didn’t really like it hot either.
The bergamot seemed acidic, I don’t know what happened, really.
For a long time I didn’t like any earls…maybe they were just crappy ones that I was sampling.
But Tony loves Earl Grey, so I started picking up samples for him to try, to support his addiction. I took a sip of them here & there.
Then I started maybe enjoying them a little.
It started with the Earl of Grey by The Tea Spot, which Tony didn’t like. It tasted like lemon bars (think lemon curd on a pastry crust…delicious).
Then it was Jubilee from London Tea Room, his favorite, which is heavily laced with Orange, as well as bergamot. I didn’t like this one at first, it seemed really harsh to me, but then I started kind of liking it a little.
Some of them I still don’t really like. Maybe the bergamot is artificial or something.
So that brings me to Mount Gray.
I wasn’t sure if I should buy it. There’s 3 oz or so in the tin it comes in, that’s a lot of tea for something I might not like.
I bought it for Tony to sample. If I didn’t like it, he could have the whole tin.
He doesn’t get to have it. This tea is delicious. I will share it with him, of course, but the truth is, I love it.
The tea base is sufficiently bold & worthy, the bergamot is strong but not acidic, and not fake tasting, & there is a lingering aftertaste that I haven’t quite identified yet, but I like it.


I feel like our swap is going to soon be “Terri sends a giant box of awesome teas to sil, who can’t find anything in her cupboard worthy of the awesomeness that Terri has sent that Terri hasn’t already got in her cupboard” lol

Terri HarpLady

Naw! You got 300 teas in there! I suspect that any tea you love, I’ll love, & we’ll all love together, or something sappy like that. Plus, you have a lot of teas I haven’t tried.

Terri HarpLady

Yep, just cruised your cupboard, & you have tons of amazing sounding items I’ve never tried from companies I’ve never ordered from!

Terri HarpLady

It’s gonna be an awesome swap!
It’s gonna be the best swap ever!
We got this!


I should get to making a list…eesh good thing the other half isn’t up yet haha


I tried Earl Grey once, a very very long time ago. I don’t remember the brand, but it was a cheap tea bag of some sort. I was sooo excited to try it because a very old and wise-looking wiccan man said the Earl Grey was the only tea worth drinking. Tea of the Gods he said. I thought it was going to be something really spectacular. But it was the most nasty thing ever and I was so sad :( lol. I want to believe that it was just a bad bag of tea, but I’ve been to afraid to try any Earl Grey ever again.

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1186 tasting notes

I had a cup of this tea this morning at work and it was awesome as usual, but I’m mostly writing this to say I am getting a kitten, and I am super excited about it!! A Siberian, because I am allergic to cats and I barely reacted to these little guys! Eep!! We are hoping to pick him up tomorrow :D I will have a tea companion! Yay! Oh and see previous notes on this tea :)


Oh that’s so exciting!!!


Yay a kitten!! :D


Oh hurrah! Kitties are so fun!


I’m very excited!! I can’t wait to get him :) we got all his kitty goodies today and I put away my nice teaware so he doesn’t knock it down lol :D cats are such good stress relievers, I’ve wanted one for ages and it’s finally happening and i should be able to breathe with it in the house too!


is the kitteh here yet?! is he here yet?! is he?! is he?!


Haha unfortunately no! I am at work haha but I’m off at 1, then have a get together for work, then HOPING BEYOND HOPE that we can go get him today!! But the people haven’t gotten back to me yet…so I hope they do ASAP because I want him TODAY, not tomorrow. Haha, I will probably put pics up on here on a tasting note when I get him though, he is sooo cute I just wanna snuggle him :)

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (121)

Thank you Cavocorax! This is actually the last of the tea from our first swap and though I think it is a good EG, I just don’t love the taste of bergamot enough to order more. It is quite pleasant though for those that do like bergamot.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

my sipdowns are envious of yours..

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871 tasting notes

First of all, this tea came with a magnet, a magnet with a dinosaur on it. I don’t care if I have not tasted the tea yet, it is the best tea ever. Tea and dinosaurs, YES!

The dry tea is bergamot lightly scented with black tea.

The brewed tea is much lighter in colour than I would have expected, but the taste did not dissapoint. It is a strong, robust black tea base with strong bergamot flavour. The bergamot is sweet enough that there is no need to add any sugar, for my tastes anyway. Even though the lack base is strong I am getting little to no astringency which is good. This is a very bold tea.

Well I have scaled the summit of Mount Gray and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now it is time to scale Mount Tuesday.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Rob Rauschenberg

This is still on my list to try. I have so many Earl Greys already. Sounds delicious though.


What? A dinosaur magnet? :| Ah man, now I really wish I’d caved, but I hadn’t had this when the sale was on and didn’t know it was so tasty!

Let’s hope they throw in dinosaurs during the next free shipping sale. And let’s hope they do it for Independence day!


Also, I giggled a bit about “Mount Tuesday” :P


I didn’t buy at the first couple sales and then kicked myself for it so I gave in on this most recent sale. And I have not been disspointed. The magnet shows a pic of Mount Gray with. T-Rex in front of it. He he. So awesome! The other two teas, double knit and tiger assam, came with equally awesome buttons.


Oooh -thanks for letting me know! I did get the Tiger Assam button, so maybe the magnet is a standard thing and I can get it next time! :P


Bergamot, Tea, and Dinosaurs? Awesome!

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15534 tasting notes

cough i tried. and failed. Sorry Cavo! Not to worry the remaining part of your sample will go to a good home. While i love the base in this, as i do most of the A&D teas, i just cannot get past that whole bergamot thing. this is not a kinda sort of EG…THIS IS AN EG! BOLD! IN YOUR FACE! not for Sil… heh glad to have gotten to try it and make sure though :)

Terri HarpLady

This one didn’t do it for me either.

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985 tasting notes

Late morning cuppa…..

Just like JacquelineM, I had to jump on this one. I love a good Earl, and also, love Andrews & Dunham. A complete ‘no brainer’ in my book. It got here in just a few days, and I too love the magnet they included. It seems they always include something extra cool in their orders. As always, the packaging is too fun.

Onto the tea….Wow! Bergamot! The tea base is nice and hearty/mellow. It needs to be that to stand up to the ‘pow’ of bergamot this one packs. I would put this one just a little stronger than Lupicia. I do think the black tea base is a blend, but I am having a hard time sorting it out precisely. I would guess China black with a bit of Ceylon. I think the bergamot in this one is less on the orangey side (like the Lupicia), and more lemony bergamot. Lovely! I am so happy I bought this, and that it is NOT a limited edition!

Usual mug method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

POW! is right :) I’m still sipping a coldish brew of a fourth steep and it’s flavorful!

Rob Rauschenberg

wow that’s awesome :-D 4th steeping! it didn’t turn bitter?


excited to get my tins!

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911 tasting notes

I’ve been neglecting my tea lately. The husband and I are in the process of house shopping (and offering!) so all these things I mean to do… yeah, they haven’t been getting done. Shame on me. But today, I’m trying to reverse the trend. First step tea review, next step the world!

Ahem. So I realize this is random, but I like the fact that Mount Gray is spelled with an “a”. What can I say? I’m a Southern girl. “Grey” is not my default setting.

The smell is fragrant and a bit sharp. Spicy, I’d say. Perfume-y (just a tad) but in an expensive way and something that had a strong white pepper note or something. It tickles my nose, but it isn’t unpleasant. Currently, my top EG is Whittard of Chelsea’s, so I can’t help but compare a little. I don’t detect the earthy edge WoC’s had in this one, though that could be because the pepper tickle in my nose prevents me from massive sniffing.

In my cup, the smell mellows greatly. It has been a bit since I had WoC’s (my default tea lately has been a comforting Keemun) but I think this is mellower in cup. It’s a bit more floral and sweet than the peppery it was dry, but it’s pretty – soft and sort of cushy with an occasional twang of pepper.

So I’m a tiny bit mixed on the taste. It’s not overwhelmingly flavored – the bergamot is nice and light – definitely noticeable but not punch-you-in-the-face – but it edges a tad towards the floral. Not disturbingly so, but I do tend to prefer my bergamots with a tad of a peel note to them (I like that note of sharp intensity in my citrus). This one lacks that note, it seems. Also, the tea itself feels kind of… thin? I’m sure part of that is the fact that I do such short steep times (about 1:30) but other teas can feel silky and sexy after that steep time, why can’t this one? And, as is the case with most EGs, the flavor of the tea itself is definitely not a main player. I’m not even sure I’d say it is a backup singer. More like the random percussion dude that plays the maracas. You don’t really notice him, but he does add nice depth to the song.

All that whining aside, the balance of the flavoring is really nice. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that it’s just flat out pretty. Soft and very easy to drink, the overall vibe is nice and relaxing. It’s the kind of tea that you heave a big sigh after sipping, releasing all your tension. As it cools, the balance of the bergamot shifts a tad from floral to citrus-sweet, and I like that.

I can’t say that yes, this is what Jean Luc Picard would drink, but I definitely don’t think he’d dump it out of his teacup.


“…as is the case with most EGs, the flavor of the tea itself is definitely not a main player. I’m not even sure I’d say it is a backup singer. More like the random percussion dude that plays the maracas. You don’t really notice him, but he does add nice depth to the song.” I LOVE this description! It’s so spot on and awesomely phrased. :)

PS – Grey, dammit! LOL. Their spelling keeps tripping me up. I read too many British books as a child. GrEy is my default setting!


Thanks! Glad the maraca player wasn’t too totally random. And hey, you E people get every other EG, let us A-ers have this one! :)


E-ers and A-ers…? Hey, did you just give me a great mnemonic to remember which spelling is used on which continent? I do believe you did!


Hey, that would work, wouldn’t it? By the way, your tea package that I wanted to send weekend before last? Yeah, hasn’t happened yet. I have it on my to-do list though (and it is in bold, meaning it is greatly overdue!) So sorry!


No worries, Auggy. :)

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4324 tasting notes

Thank you Terri Harplady for a bit of this to try! I wanted an Earl Grey today! I may have overleafed this one, but I had the water cooling a while, so that may have helped. I steeped for three minutes. I was actually expecting a darker cup color. This was quite light! A bit malty but not tough enough for me. The flavor isn’t my favorite EG… it was unique though. Tough to describe! The bergamot flavor just wasn’t as lovely as I wished. The second cup was the same, even though I used just boiled water. I’m happy to have tried this one, but I’d rather have my EG favorites.

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