Organic Gunpowder

Tea type
Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by adagio breeze
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From Canton Tea Co

An easy-drinking superior Gunpowder tea with a hint of sweetness

Gunpowder is an ancient green tea believed to have been produced for over 1000 years. Named by the British after the gunpowder pellets used in their cannons, this superior green tea is made from organic, young leaves rolled into small, evenly sized balls. The tea liquor has a hint of sweetness with a smooth, dry aftertaste. It makes a refreshing afternoon tea.

Use 2tsp per cup (200ml); water temperature around 80°C (176°F): and infuse 2-3 mins.

About Canton Tea Co View company

Canton Tea Co is a London-based tea company trading in high grade, whole leaf Chinese tea. We have exclusive access to some of the best jasmine, white, green, oolong, black and authentic puerh teas available. In our first year, we scooped Six Golds at the 2009 Guild of Fine Food Great Taste Awards. Our Jasmine Pearls won the top three star gold award, endorsing it as the best available in the UK.

Tasting Notes

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