Cranberry Pear

Tea type
Black Tea
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Black Tea, Cranberry, Pear
Autumn Leaf Pile, Bubblegum, Cranberry, Cream, Fruity, Malt, Metallic, Pear, Sweet, Tannin, Apple, Candy, Creamy, Dried Fruit, Pastries, Smooth, Caramel, Vanilla, Artificial, Tart, Biting, Floral, Orange, Apricot
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Perry Papadopoulos
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 376 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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264 Tasting Notes View all

  • “What can I say – I’m impressionable. Darn you, VariaTEA! This was WAY back in my closet and I have to go digging through my (many) black tea tins to find it because once you mentioned it I just had...” Read full tasting note
  • “All done! I must say that I’m not sad to see this go, I’ve fallen out of like with this tea. It’s a bit too tart and the tea base is too light for my taste. I used double the amount of leaf that...” Read full tasting note
  • “Finishing up my sample of this, why isn’t it called Cranapple Pear Crumble? That would accurately describe it. It’s tasting extra-crumble/streusel desserty today. Even though there were big...” Read full tasting note
  • “Why have I never tried this before?!? I know, because it never sounds all that appealing. Luckily I have read a whole bunch of awesome reviews on it here on steepster (I am looking at you Roswell...” Read full tasting note


Berry good

A few months ago, David tried a fruity dessert tea that knocked his socks off. It was subtle and refined, delicately floral and slightly sweet. He was intrigued. He had to have it. But what was the secret ingredient? Cranberries. Normally associated with a neon red holiday sauce, these beautiful berries really sing when paired with rich, floral black tea. Here we blend them with big pieces of pear and apple for the fruit and black tea blend you won’t believe you ever went without.

Ingredients: Cranberry, black tea, pear, apple, artificial flavouring*.

Price per 50g: $7.50

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

264 Tasting Notes

16899 tasting notes

What can I say – I’m impressionable. Darn you, VariaTEA! This was WAY back in my closet and I have to go digging through my (many) black tea tins to find it because once you mentioned it I just had to have it, and then of course I saw some others I wanted to pull out and have immediately too.

Mmm! I do so love this one! I didn’t add milk this time, primarily because I poured too much water into the mug to be able to fit any milk, and then by the time it was done steeping and I’d drank enough where milk could be reasonably added, I was so taken in by the flavour I didn’t want to get off the couch to go grab some from the fridge…

Bumping this up to a perfect 100 because I have absolutely no reason not to, and my rating it pretty close to that now, as is…


If we ever lived in the same city we should probably just move in together because we seem to always want the same tea at the same time. We could just have pots and pots of tea :P. Plus, we could watch a bizillion shows together and basically be entertained for a while.

Roswell Strange

Tell you what, if you ever move to Saskatoon I’ll kick Tre to the curb ;)

Roswell Strange

But can you imagine the ungodly amount of tea that would be in the house? Imagine BOTH of our cupboards combined: it’d be very large quantities of teas we both enjoy, and then our own personal favourites that the other disliked and hundreds of small samples/swaps. And all the joint orders – because hells yes we’d take advantage of that…


You guys are cute.


And considering I have a perma tea mule since my dad lives in LA there would be no stopping us. But…think of the money we would save on swapping with each other if all the tea was just readily available to us both :P

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357 tasting notes

All done! I must say that I’m not sad to see this go, I’ve fallen out of like with this tea. It’s a bit too tart and the tea base is too light for my taste. I used double the amount of leaf that this calls for, and it does taste better this way, but still, it’s not something that I need in my cupboard. It was a good starter tea, but now that I’ve tried so many better options, this one just can’t compete anymore.

Raised expectations = Lowering my rating a tad


I hear ya with this one!

Aimee Popovacki

lol I was never a fan of the taste of this one.. but the health benefits of it are work it. My friend had a UTI and it was several days before she could get an appointment. I gave her some of this tea because she figured it’d be better than drinking cranberry juice.. and it totally cleared it up!

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1220 tasting notes

Finishing up my sample of this, why isn’t it called Cranapple Pear Crumble? That would accurately describe it. It’s tasting extra-crumble/streusel desserty today. Even though there were big cranberries in here, I still don’t get much of it.

Even though it’s pretty sweet on its own, I added a little agave and it did kind of bring a berry flavor out but also really strengthened the flavor of cake.

Why don’t I have any eggs I just want cake now. Still I don’t think I’ll ever buy any of this but if someone were to send me some I wouldn’t turn it down.

Now I have to go pretend I’m not going to fail this test tomorrow and try not to fall asleep hahahaha right.


Good luck with your test tomorrow

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6444 tasting notes

Why have I never tried this before?!? I know, because it never sounds all that appealing. Luckily I have read a whole bunch of awesome reviews on it here on steepster (I am looking at you Roswell Strange!) so I decided to try it. I figured buying 10 g, the worst that could happen is I wouldn’t like it and I would just pass the rest off to Roswell Strange in one of our swaps. However, what is left is staying right here with me and might even be joined by some more because this is good! Sweet and creamy and oh so delicious! Seriously. I have no idea how or why but this is a thick, creamy, cup of fruity yummyness. Thank you Roswell Strange for all your tasty sounding notes that made me finally give in.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

uh.. i think i have more of this in my “take it away” bin so see me before you go buy some..


It will be a while before I get more. If you want to get rid of it, you can toss it in the eventual swap in which I send you CaesarsTeas :)

Roswell Strange

I love this one! If I had realized you had yet to try it, I would have forced some upon you in a swap and guilted you into having it! It’s a great pear tea! You definitely need to try it with milk – although it stands on its own too.


yeah i’d rather it went to a home where it will be loved haha


I am glad you gave it a shot. It is one of my favourite fruity black teas!


Roswell Strange, I thought you might be entertained that I finally tried this. I was always so tempted to ask you but I felt bad because it seems to always be sold out where you are and I didn’t want to rob you of your precious tea :P

And Sil, that is how I feel about so many things. Better to give it to someone who will enjoy it than for it to sit in your house and go stale. I think that is why I sent Cavo a surplus of some Teavana teas in our last swap.

Roswell Strange

Usually it’s in stock in at least one of the two DAVIDsTEA stores in town (I’m fortunate enough to have more than one) – but I can’t often be bothered to go to the Lawson location because it’s on the complete opposite side of the city and like a two hour bus ride. Plus, the downtown people know me fairly well.


When I walked into CaesarsTea today, the girl instantly recognized me. I found that pretty funny especially since I had not been in there in months.

Roswell Strange

But didn’t you get like 25g of like 25 different teas? I’d think that’d be pretty memorable. The sales lady at David’s in Regina (where I moved from) recognized me when I was there earlier this month. My very last day in the city I went to David’s with a friend and bought 100g of about 10 different teas (still working my way through a lot of those)… I suppose that was memorable.


Yeah I did. She told me no one had ever bought so much tea before and then I added to my purchase. I bought 5 more today. I have a problem.


How is the pear taste in this one? Can you detect it or is it overshadowed by the cranberry? I don’t know why but I’m obsessed about finding a good pear tea… lol

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516 tasting notes

Let’s begin with a story.

I went into my local DT for the 2 of the 3 new teas, please!
The friendly gentleman said they had just received them today, but they weren’t open. As I physically dramatized my dismay and breaking heart, the manager girl (who usually isn’t my favorite personality) hopped over the desk and ripped opened the boxes and presented the bags. Without looking me in the eye. She hates me. But oh well! The dude and I were jumping and smelling and talking really fast in our tea excitement!

Now I go back in time, to when I saw what the three new teas were. I thought to myself: “I’m going to hate cranberry pear. I’m not even going to try it, ugh. I hate pears. bleeeh” and other dramatic thoughts.

Fast forward to the fuuUUuuuture. I smelled this one and thought, yeah it smells good, but meh. "Please sir, may I have 50 grams of this points to checkmate and 26 grams of this? points to cheeky lychee "

So the dude is suuuper friendly and we’re talking about TEA and LIFE and all sorts of awesome stuff, because he is my favorite dude and I will ask his name next time! But! I see he is indeed getting 50g of Cranberry Pear! That’s so not right… but he’s so nice… and we’re having such a good time that I’m just going to let it go. He packed my lychee and," is it too late for some CheckMate as well?" So I got all 3 teas. But mostly this one. haha.

On to the tasting. I had no high hopes, although it smells lovely. And wow… the steeped smell is like.. candy apples! or gum! or something.. yummy! And wow again, it is so full of.. delicious flavour? And bonus: no hibiscus! This one is seriously out of the park flavour wooow. Natually sweet – and although it’s similar to Movie Night in that it’s more “stuff” than black tea, it doesn’t disappoint. The tea brings a solid base to a fruity taste that isn’t very tart, but almost like a cooked fruit (cran apple pear, but without the bad pear texture that I hate ugh) crumble.. gosh!
Can I also say that I LOVE how the apple doesn’t take over the other fruit tastes? It just supports them without overwhelming, I HATE when apple bits do that to a tea!

So yeah. 100%. Love this tea. I guess it was meant to be !!

Sorry for the novel… but we’re allowed to write a novel every once and a while, right? n_-


My girl (when I went in tonight to get some of this) actually gave me 50 g when I asked for 26 g. No big, but interesting that this tea makes people forget what they were doing! Maybe it has hypnotic powers?

Daisy Chubb

It could totally be that! It must. It’s even convinced my boyfriend to make me tea instead of me making it. May we only use these powers for good.


Ok now I totally need to take time tomorrow afternoon after my sons skating lessons to drive the extra half hour into Ottawa to get this tea and the other new ones. You are enabling me. I am going to send my husband to you. On the upside I can also get some Sushi for lunch this way.


Interesting…I am not a huge cranberry fan, though I do like pear. Thanks for the comparison to Movie Night…I totally get what you mean. I will have to see the new teas.

Daisy Chubb

Even if you just take 10g home, theyre worth a try :)


I got 15g of each last night! Haven’t tried yet though. Will report back soon as it happens though. :)


i don’t like pear so much too but i love cranberries so i’m gonna try it for sure! :)

Daisy Chubb

It’s not too pear, not too cranberry, juuuust right in between!


Of course guess what tea I forgot to get while I was at David’s today. Of course the 2 year old was being a total brat so it isn’t surprising since I wanted to get out of there quickly before he messed up the whole store. Apparently the Christmas teas are launched next week so maybe we will go back and I will take a list and a leash. LOL. Actually maybe duct tape to tape him to one of the chairs in the front (hoping they won’t frown on that) LOL

Daisy Chubb

Nest week are you serious? Man they must want us to go broke haha
Don’t worry! There’s always a next time ^^


November 8th was what I saw on Facebook today.


What?? Next week? That’s a bit sad, I mean, November 1st for the winter collection is already pushing it, in my opinion, especially after they just came with 3 new teas. Then the Christmas collection already? I’d be more hyped up about the upcoming teas if they didn’t release everything at once! Will we get the spring collection in January? :P


I couldn’t believe the fall teas were over already. Only 2 months for the fall ones and it seems like the summer ones (which I wasn’t fond of) stayed around forever.

Daisy Chubb

Yeah it’s certainly not as exciting when they do it all at once o_o I’d say wait until after remembrance day at least, silly

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Indigobloom for sending me this sample of tea to try!

I steeped mine for 4 minutes at boiling but after I read some of the other taster’s notes I wish I had let it go for a bit longer. You can see there are large chunks of fruit in the tea. Anyway, it’s a bit of the tart side but has one of the nicer pear flavors I’ve had in a while. In my opinion, pear is a hard flavor to get right in a tea. Someone compared it to bubblegum and I have to agree, there is something in here that reminds me of bubblegum, I think perhaps it’d the smell?

I did add a bit of soymilk to it and somehow liked it better that way. I am not totally in love with this but I’m glad I got the chance to try it, thank you dear Indigobloom for sharing with me! :D

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Scott B

I never tasted any cranberry in this. For me, this just was so fake. However, my family doctor, who is into tea, was explaining how people react to some artificial flavoring very differently. I was one of the few who was really turned off by this. She thought it smelled just great and took the rest of the bag for herself!


I’m not sure I’m a big fan of cranberries in teas but there was something a bit "off’ about this in my opinion.


Scott: Interesting about the different reactions, that explains alot!
Amy: my pleasure! sorry it wasn’t your “cuppa” tea :)

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709 tasting notes

I don’t know how I’ve managed to never log this one – especially since we bought it months ago and I am positive that I’ve tried it before now. I recall it being too sweet and bubble-gum as opposed to cranberry or pear – in the way that many DT teas tend to be to me for the last year or so.

On to the tea! Steeped a pot up with the beau and father-in-law, the aroma is very much of bubble gum. I’m starting to worry that my memories are correct. First sips are sweet, but not exactly bubblegum. Maybe artificial pear. Very artificial. LIke a lightly flavoured hard candy or something. There is no cranberry and no tart (I would expect tart in this one!). It’s tolerable but not fabulous. No black tea taste, but I can feel it on my tongue if that makes sense. It’s a supporting role. Unfortunately, this is another middle of the road sweet fruity tea. I’m not so fond of those anymore. : (

Edit: I can’t believe I’m so out of tune with everyone else on this one – what is going on with me?!


How long did you steep it? I definitely find that the cranberry doesn’t come out unless I leave it for quite a while. Or maybe your tastebuds just don’t care for this one :)


This was in about 4 or maybe 5 minutes which is honestly a long time for us. I’m pretty sensitive to bitterness in my black teas, so I usually only steep for about 3 minutes for maximum flavour and minimum bitterness. : ) If I give it another go I will try a longer steep though, thanks!

Scott B

You are not the only one out of tune with everyone else here-I hated the artificial flavoring so much. In fact, I just gave away about 44 grams out of a 50 gram bag.

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea already recorded)

Bonus hospital eggnog latte! Sent my husband home at one point and requested this as an eggnog latte. Unfortunately, I think I asked for too much eggnog to be put in, and so the cranberry/pear was a little lost, but it was still good. I need to work on the ratios, I think.

Evol Ving Ness

That or husband requires more intensive training.


Husband definitely lacks tea training. However, I think he followed my instructions, I just overestimated how much eggnog to add to the tea (I had him use a thermos that I don’t usually use; I usually just use a large mug).

Evol Ving Ness

Now you know, in case there’s going to be another round.

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440 tasting notes

I love this tea. I had it as a to-go cup today since I didn’t have time for anything to be iced, and was definitely not disappointed. When I pulled the bag I saw that it was a nice blend of the fruit and the tea, which I know doesn’t always happen. But this time I got someone who knew what she was doing and made me a perfect cuppa. Mmmmm.

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1396 tasting notes

This one smells great dry! Not what I was expecting when I heard cranberry. Cranberry is delicious – with turkey dinner. This was another of the samples I picked up a DavidsTea today.

Hmm not quite as yummy smelling once steeped but still pretty good. Ah so impatient waiting for it to cool but I’d like to have taste buds left for the rest of my new teas!

I’m enjoying this one. I’m not quite sure what I’m tasting but I know there are cranberries and pears from what I could see. Okay, I’m getting some pear a few sips in. I had a slight fear the cranberry would be overwhelming but nope! I may try steeping it longer next time for a bit more flavour. Overall yet another great choice from DavidsTea :)

Update February 15/13: I had 3 cups of this today. I’m loving it. I picked up 50g and I think I’ll add this to my permanent collection. It’s just got such a lovely taste for cranberries and black tea. Must be the pear. It’s excellent as it cools. I’ve found the sweet spot – not smoking hot and not cold but somewhere in between there. I think I’ll whip up another cuppa.

5 min, 0 sec

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