Pom Tango

Tea type
Black Tea
Apple, Black Tea, Mango, Pineapple, Pomegranate Seeds
Apple, Grenadine, Fruity, Mango, Pineapple, Artificial, Astringent, Cherry, Strawberry, Sweet, Tart, Tangy, Tropical, Sour, Sugar, Tea, Citrus, Orange, Grapes, Peach, Stonefruit, Honey, Berries
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by partea
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 11 oz / 332 ml

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127 Tasting Notes View all


Put some spring in your step

This may have been a long, cold winter, but this exotic fruit-filled black tea is a sure sign of sunnier days ahead. Bursting with fruity pomegranate seeds and big, luscious pieces of mango, it’s like a cross between your favourite breakfast tea and the best juice ever. And since spring weather can still be a bit unpredictable, you’ll be happy to know it’s equally amazing hot or iced. One cup and you’ll feel like dancing for joy.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

127 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

New tea #3! Picked this up on Monday because it just smelled too good to not get. I only got 15 g however, and the mango pieces are pretty weighty, so there’s not a whole lot left in my bag. Ah well, enough for 2 or 3 cups.

The dry smell is so much mango! I don’t smell very much pomegranate, will have to see if it comes out in the flavor. I steeped for about 3 minutes, a bit shorter as this is a black tea and I tend to prefer shorter steeps. But there was mostly mango in my infuser lol, so it might be more fruity than black tea anyways. Steeped it smells sooooo juicy! Almost entirely mango again, there might not be a whole lot of pom in this tea, maybe I just didn’t get too many in my bag this time around.

So this is a very good fruity black! Very mango and fresh! I think there might be a tiny bit of pomegranate flavour, but mostly pure, juicy mango. There is not a lot of black tea taste either, but it does make a nice base for the punch of mango I think! Yum this is pretty good, I wish it was sunny here today because this screams spring leading into summer! It is a bit similar in flavor to Green & Fruity, but more mango and no rooibos adding in its own flavor. This would be a nice morning tea with the black tea kick of caffeine. Oh, and I am also trying my first attempt at cold brewing! With the leaves of this tea that were left over! I hope it goes good, I put it in a filter bag in my biggest mug in the fridge, with my perfect mug lid on it, I’m not sure if a lid is required, but since I don’t have a glass jar I hope this will work!

Overall, this is a pretty good fruity black tea. If you are into fruity black teas, you MUST get this, as it is excellent. I think the slight pom taste is coming out a bit more as it cools too. I will try to remember to update with how the cold brew turns out (if it is good haha).

ETA about cold brew – I let this cold brew for over 12 hrs, probably around 18? It wasn’t bad, but a bit weak, probably did not have enough tea leaves. The tea bag worked well though, I am going to use cold brewing to use up a bunch of the 100 pack of my teabags from Davidstea. Can’t wait to do more of these!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I really enjoyed this one! My 15g didn’t last very long so I went and grabbed 30 more! (Better to buy too little and have to go more than buy too much…)


Mmm it is pretty tasty! I must not have gotten many pom seeds in this batch though, it’s pretty much pure mango, which I’m ok with :) I am also trying my first cold brew with the leftover leaves! I hope it turns out!


Porn tango and porn seeds – just two of the many reasons why I need to start wearing reading glasses…


LOL now that would be one awkward tea…hahaha, that kind of made my day. :D


Nothing quenches your thirst like Porn Tango.


Well, the Tango is pretty racy!


Lolol oh dear haha, it is a bit promiscuous… the tango, not the tea


For cold-brewing, there’s no need to use a teabag – you can just let the leaves roam free in the water, and then strain the tea through an infuser basket, if you have one :)

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357 tasting notes

I picked up a little sample of this tea out of curiosity. Oh my! It smells amazing! I’m enjoying the juiciness of this tea while the sunshine streams through my window. It feels like a mini getaway.

With my first sip, I didn’t care for the way the sweetness sat on my tongue, but with each additional sip, it becomes increasingly enjoyable. The mango is the dominant flavor, which is fantastic in my books, and the pomegranate adds a light tartness without being overwhelming. The mix contains a lot of fruit, but it’s priced on the lower end of the scale compared some other David’s black teas, so that seems to balance out the fact that the mix is a tad on the heavy side (in terms of cost per cup). I managed to get an alright second steep out of the leaves but the strength and taste were significantly diminished.

I’m enjoying this one hot, and I imagine that it would make a lovely iced tea. I plan to pick this up again in a sample size on future trips to Davids tea.

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1112 tasting notes

This was one of my free samples from my latest DAVIDsTEA order!

It’s roasting in my office, so I wanted something fruity and light. This one delivers! I was going to put sugar in it, but thankfully I held off until I had a sip — none needed;it’s very sweet. Mango is the predominant flavor followed by a slightly tart? astringent? flavor. Not sure if that’s the pomegranate, the tea base, or a combination of both, but it’s nice — it tempers the sweetness.

I’m not sure if I’d order this one, but I’m sure glad I have another serving! I may bring it home and add it to an iced tea — I bet that would be stellar!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Roasting here, too, and we just bought chickens and I can hardly make myself stay indoors. I have every meal with the chickens! There are two laying hens and a young pullet who should start laying in July. We bought them Sunday evening and already have three eggs, with two more possibly coming around 5:00 pm!


OMG having chickens is one of my dreams!!! I want to hear all about it! Please include them in your tea updates :) Eeeeee!


We got the most adorable Buff Orpingtons! So sweet! And an amber sexlink who is a great layer and really good at scratching up worms! I am negotiating for some Barred Rocks and Ameraucaunas or Easter Eggers now…

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1792 tasting notes

Funny story. The other night, my neighbour went streaking down the sidewalk, and out of nowhere, a cop showed up and stopped him. Impeccable timing.

I’ve prepared this tea two ways: hot and cold-brewed. Both are keeping me company while I try to get yet another paper out of the way.

The dry leaf is fruity to the tenth power, sweet, and tart. An in-your-face mango paired with a much more subtle pomegranate. If anyone here is into BPAL, it’s like Io in tea form.

This is better hot than what I originally anticipated. The mango and pomegranate are quite balanced here. The tea base is noticeable too but not overly so. No bitterness. I also appreciate that this doesn’t taste like five pounds of sugar has been infused into the tea. It has the same level of sweetness that dried fruit has.

Heavens to Murgatroyd, this is fantastic iced. Exquisite even! The mango overpowers the pomegranate here, but I don’t care. It works for me. I actually absentmindedly under-leafed (well, actually, overwatered?) since I didn’t have that much left, but filled up my jug all the way. I was worried it was going to be bland and overly diluted, but it’s awesome. A light honey liquor but still full of flavour. I’ll have to pick up more for iced tea purposes.


ahahha what?!
why did they do that?


Ha, those damn cops! But we still need them…
Usually don’t care much for DT’s spring and summer collection but this one sounds great!


I also need to start icing tea so I consume more…


First… how old is your neighbour?! and second… are you scarred for life haha


I’m quite sure he and his friends were drunk, and he looks to be in his early- to mid-20’s. Surprisingly not scarred for life!

My issue is most of the teas I have wouldn’t be that great iced, and the ones that are, I hoard because I can’t get them anymore haha.


Oh that is the perfect aqe for a streaker in your neighbourhood haha ;)


Haha. Came for the tea, stayed for the naked story.

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6117 tasting notes

I got ahold of a bit of this from the Pearson Airport DT when I was through there a week or so ago – quite a popular blend! The baristas or whatever you call them thought I should pick up 100g… but I went with my usual 10 or so because I just have too much tea.

Personally? A good decision. While this tea is pretty fruity and flavourful, I wasn’t completely taken by it. I couldn’t really pick out mango or pomegranate, just the fruity sweetness from the chunks of candied pineapple. While not bad at all, it just didn’t strike me in a “I need this!” sort of way, which is completely fine! I re-steeped as well, and again it was flavourful and worthwhile, but nothing super special.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Sweet Canadian

That’s how I feel about this one too. It’s just a generic fruity black, I don’t really know why everyone seems to be so crazy about it. But I guess its that nothing at Davids is exactly like it right now, so people are excited even if its just ok.

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1598 tasting notes

So I steeped this for 8 minutes.

(I kinda want to end that note there. Hahaha.)

It’s good, but it mostly tastes like peach. There’s not enough black tea in this for it to have gotten bitter so that’s ok, but… where’s the juicy, juicy pomegranates?


wow, eight minutes. You’re brave.


Isn’t it supposed to be pomegranate mango? I thought the tea tasted like mango juice and that was about it. But I only had a sample.


Hahaha, ending that note right there would have been ART.


Yeah I think I tasted some of the mango, but it was a peachy-mango. Not pomegranate. I HOPE it’s because of the over-steep.

And Anna – I wish I had! :P

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1445 tasting notes

I had this hot as an in store sample the other day and wasn’t particularly wowed by it. Then I stuck some the fridge overnight, and it was awesome. Thank you friend who convinced me this would be better iced and that I should get some anyways. You were right.

This is very much a mango tea; my 16g bag consists mostly of mango pieces with a reasonable, yet less apparent, amount of black tea leaves. It’s a heavier blend. The mango gives it a flat, fruity sweetness that is spiked up by the subtle, more tart pomegranate. The black base is also very subtle.

This cup is nice an refreshing and deserves a sunnier day than what we’re getting right now. Happy daylight saving time from the Pacific Northwest.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1394 tasting notes

This one is fascinating.

The description is pretty bang on – a cross between your favourite breakfast tea and fruit juice – perhaps not my favourite breakfast tea, but certainly a black breakfast tea. Yes, the more I drink it, that’s exactly what it tastes like. Fruit juice mixed with black tea. The mango really comes through at the end.

Update March 29/13: I’m giving this one another go because I really didn’t care for it hot and I couldn’t manage more than two sips cold. It’s slightly better this time but I’m still getting a bit too much of a fake taste? Although everything seems well balanced, I’ll give it that. Maybe my taste buds are off because everyone else seems to love this tea!


I’m really excited to try this one, pomegranate and mango are my 2 favorite fruits!


Mango is one of my favourites too and pomegranate’s pretty high up there as well. The aftertaste is the best haha – so fruity :)


I kind of like teas that taste like fruit punch so I have high hopes for this blend haha


I don’t think you’ll be disappointed :)


Their warehouse is out of stock until mid April or so the girl said today.

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516 tasting notes

Used up the rest of my 25g for an iced latte.
It tastes like those mango smoothies from Tim Hortons with yogurt added. Not too shabby ;)

I won’t repurchase, but you served me well Pom Tango :)

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814 tasting notes

what a nice little cup!
sunny and fresh fruity!

(not a buy now cup for me. but always grateful when i get to taste a fun one like this.)

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