Passion Iced Tea Lemonade

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Fruit Herbal Blend
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Lemon, Passion Fruit, Sugar
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From Starbucks

An infusion of hibiscus and natural tropical flavors, mixed with lemonade and hand-shaken with ice.

As the saying goes, all you need is love to create this alluring and flavorful drink. Well, love and invigorating hibiscus, subtle citrus, tart rose hips, juicy mango, sweet passion fruit, tangy lemon juice and ice. But mostly love, we promise.

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10 Tasting Notes

2977 tasting notes

backlogging (this should actually have been my #250!)

I remembered people raving about this on here, and trying to recreate it (I even tried once, without having tasted the original) so when I found myself at Starbucks on a very hot day, I had to try it. With 2 pumps of sweetener (instead of their standard 4!) I found in lovely – a bit sweet, followed by the sour pucker from the lemon and passionfruit. A great refreshing thirst quencher. I don’t love passionfruit, but it works here. I would order again.


So the lemonade is sweetened then they add extra classic on top of it? I order SBUX a lot but don’t really inquire as to how it’s made lol.


Hmm, I don’t know if the lemonade is pre-sweetened or not. I guess it probably is? They asked if I wanted it unsweet or sweet, so I asked how many pumps of syrup normally go into the sweet, and decided to get half. Here’s the online menu description and stats for “Tazo® Shaken Iced Passion Tea Lemonade”


Yeah unsweetened would just be lemon water, wouldn’t it? lol!

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15544 tasting notes

mmm my favourite iced tea leamondae from starbucks :) Been drinking this over the week to beat the heat!

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639 tasting notes

This is one of the best drinks I’ve ever had in my entire life! Don’t bother to drink this tea hot without the lemonade. Suffice it to say, it’s not a pleasant experience (see oozing rose hips:

But this, THIS is my one true love!


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1792 tasting notes

Ok, so this is sort of my favourite Starbucks beverage. By sort of, I mean that I tweak it up. I am one of those weird customers who comes up to the till and asks for a bizarre order that leaves the barista raising one eyebrow and rethinking his/her choice to work there.

Anyway, this is what I ask for: a Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade (sometimes I don’t bother with the lemonade) with equal parts passion, green, and black tea. So 1/4 each of each tea and lemonade, or 1/3 of each tea. No sweeteners. It’s fan-freaking-tastic. Trust me. The passion iced tea, I find, is a little too sweet on its own, so you get the stronger kick from the black tea and the clean vibe from the green tea. And the lemonade adds some sweetness to it, and a citrus twist, whenever I’m in the mood for that.

Try it out if you’re even in the mood for a cool drink from Starbucks, but don’t want to consume a plethora of calories. Or try it out if you feel like momentarily baffling the employees. Don’t worry, they don’t get angry, just intrigued!

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47 tasting notes

This is one of my favorite drinks ever! Perfect in the summer. I love the flavor and sweetness.

Flavors: Lemon, Passion Fruit, Sugar


We’ve just perfected making this at home!


Nice! I made a pretty close duplicate last summer and it was yummy!

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17 tasting notes

This is some good tea…my first time trying this tea was delicious

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3 tasting notes

One of my favorite summer drink! =) <3


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7 tasting notes

I can’t believe a Starbucks drink is even given the time of day on here, but oh we’ll. The passion tea is decent hot or iced, but UNSWEETENED. It is ruined by lemonade or sweetener, it ends up just tasting like pink lemonade which I find to be pointless. if you want something that doesnt taste like tea, why are you drinking tea?

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7 tasting notes

The first time I ever tried this tea was a small free sample at my elementary school’s spring fair, and I was immediately hooked. I found myself going to Starbucks the very next day for more!

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25 tasting notes

if you ever go to starbucks you MUST get this drink. I usualy ask for it with half the sweetener, or none, but its also good with it! its all soooooo good.


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