Taiwan Ginseng (Lan Gui Ren) Oolong Tea

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Grass, Licorice, Medicinal, Roasted, Broth, Sugar, Vegetal, Apple, Cucumber, Earth, Fruity, Menthol, Mineral, Sweet, Lettuce
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 30 sec 8 g 9 oz / 257 ml

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88 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hubby and I drank a whole lot of steeps of this tonight. A single teaspoon in my little glass pot and over a liter of water, and it just kept giving with each resteep. We are drinking this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Revisiting this one after quite some time. For some reason, I have developed a strong liking to Ginseng Oolong. Maybe, it’s because my taste are still developing. It’s possible, this development is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another Teavivre tea for me! This tea is really great for when I’m not feeling my best. It has a lot of sweet and roasted notes. It is super easy to make, so I can ask my husband to prepare it for...” Read full tasting note
  • “I woke up very bleary this morning, unexpectedly, and actually drank coffee for the first time in a long time. But as late morning begins to drag on towards lunch, it is time to settle into...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Lugu Township, Nan Tou County, Taiwan

Ingredients: Si Chi Chun (Four Season Oolong)

Taste: Clear and fresh aroma and rich fluid under tongue, sweet and fresh flavor, strong aftertaste

Brew: 1-2 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 212ºF (100 ºC) for 1 to 2 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: The substance in the tea helps to prevent the decaying of teeth and halting the plaque build-up and also reduce the growth of glucosyltransferase. Being lightly fermented, these teas are high amino acids, vitamins, polyphenols and antioxidants. These combine into a tea that reduces cholesterol and helps reduce hardening of the arteries, and so can help reduce risks of heart attacks.

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88 Tasting Notes

3483 tasting notes

Hubby and I drank a whole lot of steeps of this tonight. A single teaspoon in my little glass pot and over a liter of water, and it just kept giving with each resteep. We are drinking this because we love it and also because middle daughter has caught a nasty cough and cold and this tea seems to help me stay well when I feel something coming on.

On a side note, my eldest daughter married her Irish fiancé Friday. We had the wedding dinner at the Pit in Raleigh, NC. I didn’t realize it had been featured on a television show as one of the best restaurants, and it was amazingly reasonably priced. But best of all, the food was unbelievably good. If you ever have a chance, go! My son’s girlfriend is vegetarian and had the barbecued tofu and loved it so much she wants to go back with her mom.

Superanna, my daughter, congrats to you! You have chosen a fine young man who is a great addition to the family.


Congrats to your daughter!


Yay! Congratulations to your daughter. That sounds lovely.


Congratulations to your daughter!




So happy for your family, congratulations!


That’s wonderful! Congratulations!


Congratulations ! Lots of luck and happiness !


Congratulations to your daughter!

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141 tasting notes

Revisiting this one after quite some time. For some reason, I have developed a strong liking to Ginseng Oolong. Maybe, it’s because my taste are still developing. It’s possible, this development is due to try several different ones. Nonetheless, this tea is excellent and my previous rating must be adjusted. With the quality that I find from multiple infusions, the rating is now raised!

It’s hard to compete with a yin/yang type of taste during and after the sip. The first texture is brisk, yet a good dryness, almost bitter – that carries an overall ginseng taste. The dryness swells and becomes sweeter, then more minty. It is a very nice lingering tea.

Definitely delicious! I’m glad I tried this one again!

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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541 tasting notes

Another Teavivre tea for me!
This tea is really great for when I’m not feeling my best. It has a lot of sweet and roasted notes. It is super easy to make, so I can ask my husband to prepare it for me. I really love this one so I’m upping the score.

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368 tasting notes

I woke up very bleary this morning, unexpectedly, and actually drank coffee for the first time in a long time.

But as late morning begins to drag on towards lunch, it is time to settle into something softer, so here I am with the last of this free sample and it is just right.

Hopefully it will settle my stomach a bit before it is time to eat.

I am surprised I like this tea as much as I do, but I really do.

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec

Did you still taste bell pepper and roasting pan? I tasted toasted sesame seed and some honey…grass at one point.

Jim Marks

No, brewing it this way has produced a radically softer cup. The first two steeping were very sweet, from the ginseng coating, but now that it has washed off, the liqueur from the fully opened leaves is very much like a tieguanyin.

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676 tasting notes

Thank you Angel and Teavivre for this Sample

I had all three granddaughters helping out on this review and we went through three steepings using a french press (of all things..this was big enough to brew for 4 people).

The first pour was the lightest colored. Light golden brown and toast scented. Schey said the taste was grassy and the other girls thought the flavor was good but tasting like earth and somewhat astringent.

The second pour was medium honey brown and smelled like wheat bread to all of us. We sweetened the tea and enjoyed the sweet bread and honey flavor. Megan noticed that there was a little saltiness.

The third pour was the most interesting. We labored to find the words for what the flavor was.

“Sesame!” I said….“Exactly, yes”, was their reply. But I couldn’t just stop there and leave well enough alone.

“Sesame Street!” I cried! (I meant to say Sesame Tahini!)

We rolled, cracked up…cried…laughed till we hurt…what a goofus!

So, ok ok ok…I thinketh this tea tasteth like Sesame Tahini and Honey!

We all liked it. We had a good laugh!

The next review I PROMISE to be serious Teavivre! Really!


I bought this one and I ADORE it! Glad you all had fun drinking it!


When tea is FUN it makes it even better! LOVED reading this tasting note!!!


I like to include notes on the tea education of my grandchildren (not the 2 toddlers yet) ages 7,9,11,15,17,18 all close by. Some love LS, one Puerh, one Yabao and some Chai or Oolong. Little by little!


Love hearing about your tea tastings with your grandchildren, Bonnie. So glad you can share that with them!


Wow! So many grandchildren!! By the way, what is sesame tahini?


CHAroma… My daughter and son-in-law had 3 daughters then adopted 3 boys and then have fostered 27 children so far (they have 2 right now) that’s why so many. But the house is big (3 bathrooms), on an acre. Sesame seeds ground up like peanut butter make a spread or tahini. It usually is found in the grocery store in a can and the oil separates so you have to stir it like natural peanut butter until it’s incorporated with the ground seeds and smooth.


Wow, your daughter and son-in-law are awesome people!! (But I’m sure you already knew that). ;) I’ve always wanted to adopt. There are so many kids out there that need/deserve good homes. It makes me really happy to hear that your daughter is being so generous. I wish her all the best!

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250 tasting notes

First of all, a big shout-out to Teavivre for the amazing free sample!

I was really busy packing for vacation, and didn’t have time to do my usual format for reviews, but there’s the highlight reel. The first infusion was steeped in 205 degree water for exactly one minute. The result was an amazing sweet tea, with very tasty licorice flavors dominating the palate. It was just about as sweet as the orchid Oolong from Verdant Tea that I had the other night. The infusions continue, decreasing in potency and sweetness until number five, where only a faint taste of barely-sweet licorice remained. Regardless, it was really, really good, and it was the perfect way to relax after the usual frenzy of packing. And, since my destination is England, all I have to say is jolly good!

EDIT: stupid typos…

205 °F / 96 °C

Have a blast…Cherio! Pip pip! Bon voyage!

Joshua Smith

Thanks again Bonnie! I’ll remember your bright and cheerful comments while braving the elements (The forecast predicts one day of sun during a 10 day trip…). Also, stay safe! Those fires are really scary to read about in the news.


Thank you! God has always been by my side!

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318 tasting notes

I was more than a bit apprehensive to try these powdery, grey-green nuggets. Some people think pu’erh looks scary, but I find these to be far more intimidating.

The taste, however, is quite nice! The first few steeps tasted mostly of the sweet, grassy ginseng, while the later ones showed more of the flavor of lightly roasted Taiwanese oolong. The sweetness of the tea reminds me a bit of stevia, I wonder if there is any sweetener in the ginseng powder, or if that’s from the ginseng itself? The ginseng is quite energizing, and if I didn’t know any better I’d think someone had slipped some Red Bull in my tea. :P

I’m not sure I appreciate the simultaneously peaceful and hyperactive feeling I’m getting from the tea/ginseng mix. Overall this was pretty nice and I’d judge it to be of good quality, but I think I prefer my oolongs plain.

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 15 sec

I love plain oolongs, but I love this one also and keep it on hand! Perhaps it was coincidence, but I drank several steeps one day when I felt a sore throat coming on and I didn’t get sick. Now I reach for it if I think I might be catching cold.


Really? I might have to try that the next time I feel like I’m getting sick :)


I was surprised to find how much I love Ginseng Oolong! I was not prepared to like it – actually thought I would dislike it but it is quite yummy!

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323 tasting notes

After this morning’s Lipton Mint fiasco, I wanted a “real” tea for my reading. I love my classes to pieces, but I’m in three lit classes and a psych, on top of my Education seminars, so there’s a ton of reading.

Right now I’m sitting out in the grass right behind my window with a pot of this and Oedipus the King.

I’m raising the rating a bit because I think I appreciate it a bit more now, maybe in comparison to that Mint tea! I don’t see how you can rate teas objectively, really, since it can be SO subjective.

There’s something deliciously nutty about this. It tastes a little bit roasted, but I’m not sure I’d call it a roasted oolong. It’s naturally sweet, so I didn’t put any sugar or anything in it. Yum!

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec

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290 tasting notes

Free sample from Teavivre

I thought I would try this one yesterday and have been trying to find the right words to describe it ever since. Reading through the tasting notes of others, I find little that really describes what I got from this tea. To be honest, I find describing this tea very difficult. Still, here goes.

The tea arrives in the pot as little solid nuggets of green. The remind me of space rocks or some other similar sweets. The aroma is strong and sweet, not like the dry woody smell that I associate with ginseng. It has a toasty quality to it that is not unpleasant and a warm feel to it.

Steeping the tea brings out the warmth and the toasty quality more. The first sip is odd. I had not been sure what to expect and the roasted, toasty quality of the flavour is unusual for me, different from other teas with that roasted flavour. I warm to the taste as I sip the tea more. Once I get past my lack of familiarity with the taste, I begin to notice the ginseng flavour, but sweeter and less woody than I would have expected. The roasting is present still, but I think I can detect aniseed underneath it all and a bit of camphor or eucalyptus. It is really very pleasant but the real strength of the tea hits me only a few minutes after I have finished the first cup. Suddenly my tongue is coated with a warmth and flavour that I can only describe as like a Fisherman’s Friend, a type of menthol lozenge. My tongue is toasty warm in a good way, with the camphor/eucalyptus and aniseed flavours dancing around on it. There is a hint of capsicum to it too that enhances all the other flavours. This aftertaste was awesome and it went on for ages, a good 45 minutes or more. It was really quite incredible. Thank you, Teavivre, for letting me try such a brilliant tea.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Well, did you do multiple steepings? I was with some people who I observed through 3 steepings of this tea and enjoyed the 3rd more than the first. What did you think? I know the powdered ginsing falls off after the first steeping quite a bit. It is nice though.


Gee, you really got me interested in this one, fisherman’s really? Love those! Putting this tea on my list…


I did multiple steepings, Bonnie. I enjoyed the later steepings better as a drink but the aftertaste was what really lifted this tea.

Yes, TF (May I call you TF?), Fishermen’s Friends. That is what I got from this tea. It was odd yet wonderful!


Ewwww, I hate Fishermen’s Friends. So much so that even the night where my throat was horribly sore and I was coughing so hard I was gagging, I couldn’t manage to keep one in my mouth because it tasted so vile. Now I’m very apprehensive about trying this tea…


I have NO idea what Fisherman’s Friends are. Unless you mean some drink in a bar!


Gross cough drops :D

Charles Thomas Draper

The best cough drops you can buy. Also a winter surfers friend….


Perhaps I should not have mentioned the association this tea brought up in my mind, because it appears to have polarised people into two camps! Don’t be apprehensive, people. Dive in and enjoy the tea for what it is!! :-) Hmm, is that enough exclamation marks? Maybe not!!!!!!


so funny! the power of suggestion, how it can affect one’s perception and create apprehention (oh, way too many «tion» words in one phrase, sorry about that). I’m glad you mentioned it Roughage, since I’m in the «love them» camp! Fisherman’s are the only cough drops I ever buy. BTW, to answer you on the above, no problem with you calling me TF :-)


Hahahaha, I will still try my sample! With apprehension :D

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359 tasting notes
Fifty Shades of Oolong…

Lazy sunday afternoon….

Yes, so I am finally reading Fifty Shades of Grey… I resisted all summer long, being constantly hassled by friends: «Oh, you MUST read it, Oh Christian Grey this, Oh Christian Grey that!», I’m telling you, a bunch of puberty high school girls! (giggles)
To the point that I thought for sure this book was overrated, too much fuss and publicity surrounding it.

I was kind of suspicious of an author made famous instantly for writing a few hot and steamy sessions. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I caved in! I will admit that Mr.Grey has something on the collective fantasy world of women… Not highly intellectual literature, but hey, can a girl have some pure entertainment readings once in a while?

So I thought I’d pair this book with a «hot» tea, something sexy of course…

Mmm, some Ginseng love potion?

My first ginseng tea ever…I ordered 100g strictly based on *Roughage*’s review, he had mentioned he could taste Fisherman’s Friend cough drops. I adore them and thought it would be wonderful to find a similar taste in a beverage.

Dark bluish green little nuggets, how unusually shaped they are! I am so curious about them… I brewed the tea in my glass pot in order to watch the leaves doing their dance. 90 sec. They barely opened up, they are rolled very tightly. The infusion turned slightly green, darker than most oolong.

The aroma is definitely oolong, with a twist of…je ne sais quoi…

The taste:

Miaow…This is really fifty shades of flavour! How can I describe it?

I understand the cough drop reference, some kind of eucalyptus freshness surfing in my mouth and tingling my tongue, coating and warming my throat along with the buttery taste of oolong.

It also reminds me of some vintage candy my grandma used to give us, in french, they were called «Boules Noires» (doesn’t translate so well in english, but if you want to know, there you have it: Black Balls)

That’s exactly what they were, little black balls, hard as a rock and as you’d let them melt in your mouth, they would change colours… Lots of fun and very tasty! As I remember, they had a sweet liquorice fresh menthol feel to them and this tea is very reminiscent of that. I am really enjoying this.

Second steep and the leaves are on their way to unfurl, but not completely yet. I know some of you mentioned that the ginseng powder was pretty much gone after first steep, but I still get quite a bit of that flavour. It is more subtle though, and the oolong is more present. This oolong is very buttery, in a baked cookie kind of way.

I don’t know how many infusions I will get out of it, but this is what I’m having for the rest of the day!

It was the perfect choice to pair with what I’m reading at the moment… just like the book, it made me blush a little :-)


never heard about these famous boules noires in France. We had “boules magiques” an awful enormous hard candy with several flavor layers and, in its middle, to finish a chewing gum.
I wonder how these boules magiques didn’t manage to eradicate all French teenagers by suffocation …it was really a huge ball…

The tea seems amazing (not sure for the book…but Frenchs have Le marquis de Sade !)


@ysaurella: Oh, we had those awful «jawbreakers» here too, that’s what they were called «casse gueules»! that’s literally what they were! And for the book, I know it just came out in french, it is called Cinquante Nuances de Grey, but I’m reading the english version. I’d say not quite as twisted and tormented as the original Le Marquis de Sade! More of a romantic version :-)


Fifty shades of Grey = Twilight fanfiction with character name changes. Really. Someone found her original work and put it into one of the websites that can find plagarism, compared it to the book and it was a 95% match to the original. So. Bad.


@momo: I know I am also one the last woman on earth not having read the twilight series so I’m afraid I can’t compare…But if it is 95% of the same, than I don’t understand the big fuss about twilight either! However, I still find it somewhat entertaining :-)

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