2016 Teadontlie

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Apricot, Astringent, Bitter, Butter, Floral, Fruity, Pineapple, Heavy, Sweet, Thick, Flowers, Rainforest, Summer, Coconut, Creamy, Straw, Green, Sugar, Grass, Green Apple, Green Melons, Honey, Lemon, Mineral, Peat Moss, Sage, Seaweed
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Edit tea info Last updated by d11t
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 14 oz / 413 ml

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Finished off the sample after letting the open bag soak up moisture. The ‘rehydration’ seems to have brought the tea to a more stable and sweet middle ground, toning down the sharp and lofty...” Read full tasting note
  • “Drank this in very ideal conditions, my nose was actually working for once, and the sample had spent a few days in my new storage system. For fragrant teas one could get into the habit of priming...” Read full tasting note
  • “6g in 100mL, 90-100C. Thanks to oolongowl :) Starts off delightfully light, floral, and fruity as promised. As the leaves actually open up on the second steep, these flavors intensify, and by...” Read full tasting note
  • “Excellent tea. The depth is coming out on this one. I did my usual 10grams to 100ml of water just off boiling and one rinse. The florality aroma of this one comes early. Sweetness almsxt like a...” Read full tasting note

From white2tea

A blend of raw Puer material that has a sweet, thick body. A heavy interior fruity floral fragrance and a strong astringency that will calm down with age.

Each cake is 200 grams.

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12 Tasting Notes

1649 tasting notes

Finished off the sample after letting the open bag soak up moisture. The ‘rehydration’ seems to have brought the tea to a more stable and sweet middle ground, toning down the sharp and lofty florals and muting some of the bitterness. Still, I couldn’t find much to enjoy about this sheng. I wonder if it’s just retreating for a time.

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18 tasting notes

Drank this in very ideal conditions, my nose was actually working for once, and the sample had spent a few days in my new storage system. For fragrant teas one could get into the habit of priming them with a day or two in extra humidity before you plan to drink.

The leaf and soup both were bursting with that peaches and sandalwood smell. It’s a bright and summery tea, it has a little fruity tang, the liquor is pale gold, and the texture is endlessly thick and oily. It keeps the mouth smothered in oil for a long time. I don’t notice a strong huigan even at high temperatures, just memories of tartness. It also has astringency, I started the first few steeps at 90C and the balance was good at that temperature.

I sort of threw out sandalwood for the smell, it has a creamy and maybe dry incense-like smell. That and the fruit are very evenly melded together.

Later steeps get plenty of young sheng sweetness. At this point the sweetness also stays in the mouth longer. At the limits of the leaf I almost think I taste something that will one day develop into spice.

Steep times:
90C – 10s (rinse), 5s, 10s.
100C – 5s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s

8 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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61 tasting notes

6g in 100mL, 90-100C.
Thanks to oolongowl :)
Starts off delightfully light, floral, and fruity as promised. As the leaves actually open up on the second steep, these flavors intensify, and by steep 3 or 4 I’m getting some head fuzziness and…I stopped taking notes. The bodyfeel from this was quite pleasant, not a “knock you out” tea, but still really a nice head-fuzz feeling. By mid to late steeps though, it was a crazy wall of astringency/dryness, like I had a sore throat and also hadn’t had water in like a day. Regardless, the tea had a great texture and body feel continuing, and once you push past the astringency this tea turns almost like sickly sweet tropical fruits with no astringency in sight. I’m considering beenging this once it sits in Paul’s storage longer…keeping a close eye on stock levels. Would be an instant-beeng and much higher rated for me personally if the astringency were toned down a hair without losing texture as I suspect bringing down to 90C would do…but I’ll give it a go anyways. FYI Paul’s description is right on point though, this astringency should hopefully calm down with age.

Update: astringency be damned, as much as I hate it and makes me miserable…I’m craving this even just a day later…

Flavors: Astringent, Floral, Fruity, Pineapple

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304 tasting notes

Excellent tea. The depth is coming out on this one. I did my usual 10grams to 100ml of water just off boiling and one rinse. The florality aroma of this one comes early. Sweetness almsxt like a gum taste comes in early. The later steeps lose much of the florality and the tea gets heavier and almost a touch viscous. Later steeps had the bitter aspects coming in. I played around in the leaves and would guess a couple of years leaf in this one. Nice leaf, and mostly 2 leaves and a bud. Found a couple that were almost able to stretch across my palm. Good tea to celebrate a bit with.

Happy Fourth of July to all. Let us remember the ones who gave us our freedom and still are on point to protect it.

Flavors: Floral, Heavy, Sweet, Thick

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Teadontlie was tempting, as it all the right notes for me and was just around my budget….most of which I had already spent on some nice Wuyi oolongs.


I hear ya. It is a good one for sure.

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50 tasting notes

Absolutely lovely. Maybe my favorite tea from 2016. For the price, is definitely at the top of my list. So beautiful, has everything I need in a tea, and not too much bitterness or astringency. Just sweet floral, rainforest huigan.

Flavors: Flowers, Rainforest, Summer, Sweet

5 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

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12 tasting notes

Sweet, smooth, vegetal flavor, easy on the stomach. Heavy drowsing Qi, feel it in my shoulders, neck and back of the head. Very relaxing and fun to drink, Qi and flavors kept me interested the whole session, this tea literally made my eyelids drop and my head spin in a nice way. LOVE IT!!!

Boiling 10 g

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145 tasting notes

I was excited to try this one and it has met my expectations. It’s a nice blend of medium sized leaves of varying shades of silver, charcoal, and brown. There’s some large leaves thrown in there too. The dried leaves have a sweet grassy scent. Wet leaves have a more sweet floral and nutty aroma. The tea soup for the first steeps have a deep golden hue and are very clear.

Great qi develops from the initial steeps. This is a throaty tea. Sweet floral notes and nectar-like textures cover the tongue. This combined with tingling mouth activity moves quickly down the throat. I can feel a warm energy in my solar plexus after the 3rd steep. Ferociously floral and tropical fruit notes continue for many many steeps.

There’s medium viscosity here, but good depth, longevity, a lot of qi, and serious huigan. It lingers nicely on the tongue and throat for at least 20 mins after drinking. Sure, this one is good now, but it’ll be by far more enjoyable after 1 year of calming down.

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485 tasting notes

Another White 2 Tea 2016 Sample – one I’ve heard great things about from other reviewers online. This tea is really quite good. For me, a session of Teadontlie goes through a few different stages. I tried it both in a porcelain gaiwan and in a Jianshui clay teapot. The tea went through the same general phases brewed either way, with some slight differences.

The first part of the session (~3 or 4 steeps) are soft and pretty sweet, with the tea just starting to ramp up. I detect notes of straw with slight citric notes at times and an unidentifiable fruity flavor. A sweet aftertaste fills my mouth after the sip, and the body is slightly viscous.

The second phase is where I slammed into a wall of astringency. This lasts for another 4 or so steeps, building to a crescendo and then dropping back out of the flavor profile. The tea tastes grassy and a bit floral with some building creaminess to me in this part – there is also some amount of a sour-ish fruity flavor still remaining as well. While they were quite astringent, these steeps weren’t really mouth-drying and weren’t entirely unpleasant. Interestingly, I found the astringency to be muted by my clay teapot.

The final phase, and when this tea was at its best, were steeps 8-13 or 14 or whenever I stopped steeping it. The tea started to get nicely fruity and creamy thick. I would call the fruitiness pineapple. It later faded into more of a coconut flavor – so it’s a tropical tea! I guess. Sometimes I also tasted that sweet finish as floral rather than coconut, so it could have just been my imagination making the association with pineapples. When I brewed this tea with my clay pot, the higher fruity flavors were a little blunted, so the pineapple was more solidly floral. I started to feel a little bit buzzy from the qi near the end of the session. Near the end of the session, all the flavors started to fade along with the creamy body, though the sweetness tasted almost caramel-y at the end!

On white2tea’s site, 2dog notes that this tea has a heavy astringency which will fade with age. If that holds true, this could be a really special tea in a few years (or however long it takes for that astringency to die down some). It was interesting to try this with both a gaiwan and a clay pot. A good tea, but will be better once the astringency’s a bit tempered. I may pick up a cake of it at some point because I kind of want to see what it will be like in a few years.

Flavors: Astringent, Coconut, Creamy, Floral, Pineapple, Straw, Sweet

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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89 tasting notes


I got a sample of this tea and it was gone in 4 days. I ended up buying a cake. This tea has amazing energy, a full and sweet body, and a long range of tasting notes. It left a long and lasting sweetness in the mouth that seemed to linger for a great amount of time. It’s complex, but still accesssable enough for any level of expert tea drinker to enjoy.

Out of Paul’s 2016 Spring pressings, this is my absolute favorite.

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Green, Sugar, Sweet

6 g 100 OZ / 2957 ML

I love the qi and huigan on this one.

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199 tasting notes

And I’m on tonight you know this tea don’t lie
And I’m starting to feel it now
The cha qi, I’m tea drunk
Don’t you see baby, this is some good stuff


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