Yi Mei Ren Wu Liang Mountain Yunnan Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Yunnan Black Tea
Almond, Peanut, Roasted, Chocolate, Malt, Sweet Potatoes, Wood, Ash, Black Currant, Blackberry, Cherry, Dark Chocolate, Flowers, Honey, Mint, Floral, Caramel, Orange Blossom
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 4 g 7 oz / 218 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Harvest & Year: Spring 2020 I had a cup of this earlier and all I stopped to write was Very flavorful. Well that’s very helpful. I did like it.” Read full tasting note
  • “Roasty and nutty with a hint of chocolate. I brewed this one western style and its getting nuttier as it cools. It reminds me of an almond/peanutty version of Big Red Robe. The second, western brew...” Read full tasting note
  • “(Notes from 8/1/19) I got this as a sampler from YS (20 g sampler) This was the right tea to drink tonite. It’s an interesting tea…best for a late afternoon tea. However, I’m not sure I would order...” Read full tasting note
  • “My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. This was one of my favorite Yunnans after I tried it for the first time about 7 months ago: rich smell, deep and distinct malty, ashy and...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

“Yi Mei Ren” (彝美人) means literally Yi (Minority) Beauty. This tea is named “Yi Mei Ren” as its made from Wu Liang Mountain material, an area inhabited primarily by Yi Minority people and bears similarity to both and oolong and a black tea in its fragrance and taste. Yunnan large-leaf varietal material is used and the tea is wilted and fermented like a black tea, but for a longer period of time with several intervals of vigorously shaking the leaves. This promotes more thorough wilting/fermentation and leads to it’s darker color.

The brewed tea is highly aromatic with a chocolaty sweet taste with no noticeable astringency. The tea liquor is super clear and deep gold with tinges of red if brewed longer. Due to the higher level oxidization this tea can be stored for several years with subtle changes in aroma and flavor.

Production time: Mid-March

Region: Wu Liang Mountain area of Jingdong


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11 Tasting Notes

2172 tasting notes

Harvest & Year: Spring 2020

I had a cup of this earlier and all I stopped to write was

Very flavorful.

Well that’s very helpful. I did like it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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486 tasting notes

Roasty and nutty with a hint of chocolate. I brewed this one western style and its getting nuttier as it cools. It reminds me of an almond/peanutty version of Big Red Robe. The second, western brew is a bit weaker, but still pleasantly nutty.

Flavors: Almond, Peanut, Roasted

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60 tasting notes

(Notes from 8/1/19)

I got this as a sampler from YS (20 g sampler)

This was the right tea to drink tonite. It’s an interesting tea…best for a late afternoon tea. However, I’m not sure I would order it once this sampler is done.

The flavor initially starts of very thin velvety chocolate, but then blossoms into a robust flavor of sweet toasted aromatic wood/florals with the barest hint of minerality; it’s like the aftertaste is where all the flavor lies.

It’s a weird combination that makes it a fairly well-balanced tea. And the finish is extremely clean. This tea is really easy to drink. And there’s a very faint hint of cha Qi, which given that I ate before the session is saying something.

Steepings are consistent and very forgiving. (5g tea/150ml water). I pushed this from 20 seconds (#1) to 60s (#2), 80s(3) to 2 minutes (4), then 3min (#5) and there was no astringency at 195-200 deg F. I’m sure this can be brewed full Western or Grandpa style with a large amount of leaf without it getting bitter.

But for me, the initial thinness of flavor puts this in the 2.5 out of 5 star range. The robust aftertaste and cha Qi saves it.

I’m going to try this again as full ChaZhou brew with some crushed leaves to see if it improves that initial thin flavor.

Notes from 8/14/19
Okay, tried this again CZ style with a bit of crushed leaves.
Overall, this is a much better tea with the crushed leaves. It’s a bit more robust than before.
This raises the overall recommendation of the tea.

Also tried steep stacking this tea. Much better this way…better balanced.

Flavors: Chocolate, Malt, Sweet Potatoes, Wood

5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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226 tasting notes

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. This was one of my favorite Yunnans after I tried it for the first time about 7 months ago: rich smell, deep and distinct malty, ashy and chocolaty taste…

I reordered another 100g of it – supposedly, the same harvest. There is no smell whatsoever and only the faintest, sickly sugary taste. Even after I crammed in 3 times as many leaves as I usually do the tea was almost tasteless and undrinkable. The generic Lipton bags are way better.

I don’t know how it had happened. Maybe it’s because they stored it into some horrible conditions? Maybe it is a harvest from, like, 4 years ago? I had to throw out all the remaining 90g – and this is the first for me. If anyone thinks about buying the 2018 Spring harvest of it consider yourself warned.


That’s horrible! I liked this tea as well when I bought it several years ago. More knowledgeable people than I am might know what caused this, and you might consider contacting Scott and asking what’s up.


That would be my guess, if it is supposedly the same harvest, that they changed how they were storing it. Or maybe they keep it in mass storage and then only fill their silver 100g pouches when they are ordered? I think I had this problem too when I intentionally ordered the exact same year of a tea that I already tried from YS. Even though it was years old it tasted completely different from the stock that I still had around of the same tea, the same year. But I didn’t want to make too much of a big deal of it when I intentionally ordered a tea that was older anyway. I just expected the same leaves.


I’m still awaiting a Dec. 2, 2017 shipment from them before making any new orders. Thank you for the heads up on this, Bluegreen.


I don’t know. My experience with Yunnan Sourcing was very positive until now, Their teas are always seemed to me well-packed and fragrant. I will probably still try the 2019 harvest of this tea, though. This tea when fresh has some unique character.


I think others have had similar experiences to yours lately though.


Wow, good to know.

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167 tasting notes

This is a good black tea to have when you want something different from the norm. It still has some familiar black tea notes, notably roasted nut and sweet potato; however, there is some funky fruity sweetness that runs through the whole experience that makes it stand out from others.

I keep using “grape leaf” and sweet potato to capture some of these flavors, but there are some other fruit flavors that are present, especially blackberry syrup.

Given its name, there are certainly some parallels with Oriental Beauty oolong – there is always a certain fragrance about the whole experience that is a bit floral and fruity that you almost never get with black tea.

All that said, YS is selling it super cheap, and it’s a great departure from the heavy-handed nature black teas can sometimes have. There is always a certain lightness to this tea that is refreshing.
Dry leaf – grape leaf, grape vine, raw peanut. In preheated vessel notes of chocolate, date, and blackberry syrup

Smell – roasted nuts, sweet potato casserole, grape leaf, hints of blackberry syrup

Taste – roasted nut, sweet potato, grape leaf. Aftertaste has notes of date and chocolate sweetness, hints of fresh mint

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871 tasting notes

Thanks Christina for sending me a sample of this tea.

This is the spring 2015 version.

I thought based on the reviews and the initial dry tea smell that I would love this one but it has been weird for me.

The dry tea smells nice and sweet and malty, with a bit of dark chocolate notes. However after brewing, the initial sip is quite a turn off for me. All I can taste is burnt dirt, earth, and mushroom-y type flavour. As it cools, it turns into the more malty, sweet black tea I was expecting. There is no more earthy or mushroom flavours. But it unfortunately loses a lot of its “punch”. It is not horrible but luke warm tea is not my favourite. I have played around with steeping parameters but just can’t find what works for me with this tea.

Thanks Christine for sending me this one to try.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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417 tasting notes

So, I am drinking the Autumn 2013 picking of this tea. I may have dulled my palate prior to drinking this by eating pizza drenched in habanero sauce, but I’m still really enjoying this tea! I really like how it has lots of malty and chocolatey notes, but it isn’t a tea with big tannins, which allows some very strong floral notes to come through. The combination isn’t what I’m used to or what I expect out of a black tea, but I get the feeling that this tea might grow to be a favorite.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

MMM Habaneros…

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149 tasting notes

Not 100% sure that this is the one Dexter sent me, but since this is the one in her cupboard, I’m going to log it here. (Sorry if I’m incorrect!)
Anyway, I couldn’t look up the steeping parameters, since my kids were using the computer at the time, so I just winged it. 2tsp leaf/8oz water/boiling/5 min

This was chocolatey and comforting and just plain delicious. It was exactly what I was looking for at the moment… Really, really delicious. :D
I steeped for a second time (8min) and got the same chocolate notes with a little bit of a fruity quality going on… just lovely!

Ok… I guess I’ll go clean my kitchen now. blarg.


I’m 100% sure that this is where I have it listed in my cupboard, but there are so many duplicates and different seasons etc – I’m never sure if I have them in the right place. Happy you liked it. :))


Dexter, I am having SO much fun with the teas you sent me… I really can not ever thank you enough. :))))

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2816 tasting notes

This is another tea from Yunnan Sourcing Dark Tea of the Month… I am enjoying my club so far!

As the description says, the flavor of it is something between a black tea and an oolong. It is light bodied with a sweet and somewhat flowery base. Aroma of the tea is somewhere between floral and chocolate which is my best guess for how to describe it. The aftertaste is so sweet it seems like it’s sweetened with honey. If you’re a fan of Oriental Beauty tea you should look into it.

This is a good tea but I personally prefer black teas with a bit more heft in them… might be nice as an afternoon tea instead of a morning.

Flavors: Chocolate, Floral, Honey

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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188 tasting notes

Crisp breeze in the air means it’s time to hit the Yunnan Sourcing pile of tea in my cupboard. Use cracked celedon pot for this tea. It brews up quickly for the first 4 steeps then added 10-20 seconds for further out brews. The flavors are so clean and spot on for what I like about Yunnan black teas. Soft flavors of malt, cherry, orange blossom and caramel, bouquet of chocolate and orange blossom; nice energy but not grating, a hint of bitter but it corrects the flavors somehow to make it more flavorful. The batch I purchased was the Autumn 2012 and I bought a lot of it.

Flavors: Caramel, Cherry, Malt, Orange Blossom

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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