40 Tasting Notes
This is a decent tea. It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. The vanilla is a bit strong for my tastes, but a bit of milk and sugar really smoothes it out. What can I say? It’s warm and soothing and it’s tea. As with many of the flavored blacks, this is a good gateway tea.
This was a very disappointing Earl Grey. I can’t taste the bergamot at all, though I can taste something above the black tea. I’m not sure what it is, but I am fairly sure that I don’t like it. As per the tea itself: the Darjeeling is so-so. It is a bitter, bland, and overall bad tea. I am sad Peet’s.
This is the first oolong that I have really enjoyed.
It starts off a touch watery, but then quickly slides into a slightly fruity taste; the cup moves on to a light-bodied, toasted grain mid-range, and finishes with a slight sesame aftertaste. This tea is smooth and light.
Dry, its leaves are dark, full, and twisted. They are very long. The liquor is a light, golden brown. I drank it without sugar or milk.
Water temp: waaaaayyyy hot!!! Let’s talk about oolongs… whole other way of doing things. Not at all like black teas. You can get many infusions from a good oolong if you treat it with gentle respect. Each infusion will be different from the previous one. Oolongs are poets’ teas, because the idea is that a poet will sit in solitary contemplation for hours, pen at the ready, re-infusing one set of leaves again and again… and derive poetic thoughts from the shape-shifting infusions.
Try doing several SHORTER (i.e., 2-3 min) infusions at about 180°F. Go down to the Opera canteen kitchen, use the insta-hot tap, that’s 180°F (“coffee temp”). See what you think of your oolongs then… I bet you anything they taste SWEETER. Please report back on findings, Captain.
This is a very subtle tea. I like it, but I am not wild for it. Truth is, I just plain like black teas more. But, nonetheless, I will continue my quest to better understand the tea world and and varieties therein.
Starts off tasting a bit watery. For a brief moment I thought I brewed it a bit weak, but I don’t think so. I think it is just very subtle, because right after the initial “Hey, is there any tea in here?” comes a wave of mild, light-bodied taste reminiscent of brussle sprouts. It’s ever so slightly bitter. Maybe my water was a bit hotter than I thought? I eyeballed it. The sip finishes with a stronger (relatively) floral taste and smell. The aftertaste is pure jasmine.
Being a fan of sugar in my tea, I added a pinch of sugar after making the notes above. Overall, it tasets about the same, with the sweetness from the sugar coming in towards the middle and back ends, somewhat boosting the flavor.
Overall, I like it, and it seems to be a very nice tea, but for those who, like me, are new to green teas, I don’t recommend it. Maybe for the advanced green tea lovers.
It’s my favorite jasmine green tea so far and you are totally right about the bitterness but I enjoy it and prefer to call it flowery bitterness ;)
“Eyeballing” water temp is totally OK — get used to doing that and you’ll never have to travel with a thermometer again! As I am fond of saying: the itinerant monks in Asia didn’t carry scales or thermometers on their treks, so why should we? Use your senses, they won’t steer you wrong. It’s all an experiment.
This tea is amazing. A bit pricier than I think I will pay, but if I was paid more I would stock this tea for sure.
I cannot place all of the flavors, so I’ll just walk through the experience: the first sensation across my tongue is a mildly fruity, buttery tone. It’s like the aftertaste of a fruit salad. Then, in the middle, I feel a smooth, natural green-tea flavor. The finisher is a mix of green-tea flavor (mild, mild!), fruit, and perhaps something floral? Perfumy, but I can’t identify a specific scent or flavor. Slightly astringent and a touch bitter in the after after taste. This is an absolutley delightful tea.
This is a complex cup. There are more flavors happening and more parts to the taste than I described above, but I can’t pull them apart enough to catalogue. I think it would taste great with sugar, though I can’t see spoiling this intricate experience. This is a good tea for lovers of all experience levels, though I think experienced drinkers might appreciate it more than neophytes.
I found this to be an enjoyable cup. I added a little sugar and a splash of milk.
First off, the tea leaves were crumbled and broken, not full and long like in the picture. The tea still tastes fantastic however. The dry leaves let off a rich, full bouquet. Once wet, they smelled like, well, I can only describe them as smelling of tea!
The first wave of flavor is almost nonexistent, followed by a full-bodied early-middle note. The Assam really kicks in right in the middle, with that heavy, dark taste I love so much. The flavors move smoothly, with a lemony, nutty finish. The after taste is slightly astringent, but not bitter. The conclusion of each sip leaves me looking forward to another one.
This is a solid and dependable tea, and I daresay it is very affordable. I’d recommend it for all ranges of experience, because it tastes like what one would expect from an Irish Breakfast, but it has complicated undertones that those who are well schooled can appreciate.
First off, I know very little about Pu-Erhs.
That said, I thought this tea was so-so. It tastes like good tea, but it is very smokey (I am not fond of smokey teas).
The first and last thing I taste in this cup is smoke. The middle notes are strong and bold, with a deep, earthy flavor. The end taste is a mix of the initial smokey flavor with the earthy tea taste. The after-after taste is somewhat bitter, but that could be because I brewed it a touch long.
The website suggests trying it with a pinch of salt, instead of sugar, so I drank about half the cup, then added salt. Somehow, the salt makes it less smokey. I’m not sure how or why, btu I must say that I like it more with the salt! I’ll post again when I try it with sugar and cream, but overall I must say that this is a tea for well-seasoned tea lovers, and is not for the beginner.
This is the Early Grey I grew up on. Like the Twinnings, it has a strong, reliable taste. Bold and full-bodied, with a great bergamot flavor pulling through. I like my Earl Greys strong, so I brew a bit long.
Have you done a side-by-side comparison with Harney Vanilla black tea yet?? Worth doing.