40 Tasting Notes
This is a delightful tea. Though it has bergamot, I hesitate to call it an Earl Grey because the bergamot is so subtle; the rose and jasmine really shine through.
The tea itself is very smooth and light, mildly nutty on the front of the taste, with a slightly buttery secondary tone. A hint of bergamot peeks out in the middle notes, and it finishes strong with the rose and jasmine. The rose lingers the longest in the aftertaste. Though I typically feel that flowery flavors take away from the bergamot, this blend is perfectly balanced. I love it. I think this blend would be most appreciated by the connoisseur.
This is my favorite bagged tea. It is strong, yet simple. It works well with milk and sugar, and is really just your basic Irish Breakfast. I’d give this to a new sipper, but for the more experienced tasters I would offer something a bit more high brow. Still, when I’m on the go it is easy to throw a few of these into a bag and jet. It doesn’t need much steep time.
Taste: very strong and full-bodied, with a nutty first sip and a heavy finish. Very tea-ish. Simple.
I love this tea. It is a bit pricy for me (I am poor and thrifty), but well worth it. I agree with the other sippers that a long steep time is needed. It is great hot or cold, and is one of the only teas I like just as much on a 2nd and 3rd steep.
The smell of this tea is intoxicating. Dry, it could sit in a bowl and improve the room. Wet, it looses it frangrance, but as beautiful as the smell is, the tea takes on an even prettier glow.
And then the taste. It is subtle, sweet, and complicated. I can taste the berry and hibuscus, though I can’t pull out the plum directly. It is a really mild tea, with mild flavors. This is a tea that newbies can enjoy, but that seasoned sippers will also appreciate. I cannot recommend this tea enough.
I was sadly disappointed with this tea. I had recently discovered whites, and was really excited because I love the SpecialTeas black strawberry tea. Sadly, I found this tea to be weak and bitter, despite my many manipultions of the temprature and steep time, and just not good. Sorry SpecialTeas! I still love you!
This is by far my favorite Earl Grey, and a serious contender for my all-time favorite tea. EG was the first tea I fell in love with (as a child), and at any given time I have 10-15 different EGs in my pantry. This one is the best blend of a strong and sharp bergamot flavor with a solid, strong-bodied black tea. Smooth start, sharp rise in the middle, and a heady bergamot finish. Usually I find teas with either not enough bergamot, or with poor quality black tea. This is absolutely perfect. I very much recommend this tea to anyone looking for a nice cup of EG. It is particularly good with sugar, milk, and a few drops of vanilla.
This is one of my favorite fruity teas. Be careful: I first steeped it too long, and this particular blend does not do well with oversteeping. The aftertaste was bitter and overwhelming. That said, if you steep it for only 3-5 minutes, it is heavenly! The strawberry flavor kicks in about halfway through the sip, and lingers nicely. I like this with a healthy serving of sugar or honey and a splash of milk. I think this is an especially great tea for new drinkers.
Earl Grey is my favorite tea, and I am sad to leave the only negative review thus far. I found the cornflowers overpowering, and couldn’t enjoy the bergamot aftertaste. Perhaps I should just steer clear of floral Earl Greys, though I love the Edwards Premium Tea Apres-Midi, which is black tea with rose, jasmine, and bergamot. I much prefer SpecialTeas’ Fine Earl Grey.
Very nice mention of Edwards Premium Tea’s Après-Midi blend!!! Thanks so much. I’m pleased that you enjoy it!! If anyone is interested, it can be found online at http://www.TheTeaDrinker.com …
cheers, Ann of Edwards Premium Tea/The Tea Drinker (blush!)
I love this tea. It is my number two bagged tea after Barry’s Classic Blend (I just like the stronger Irish blends more). I know PG Tips is popularly viewed as one of the best blends out there, but I just can’t get into it. It is OK, and if there is nothing else to sip on I don’t feel too terribly dissapointed, but the Special Blend is worth the extra cost as it blows the normal way out of the water. It is smoother and bolder at the same time, and the aftertaste is strong and clean, but not bitter.
This is a very smooth tea. It is subtle and not very strong. Usually I prefer stronger teas, but the flavor here is so delicate and complex that I love it. An avid suger and milk adder, I hardly touch sugar or milk to this because the flavors are perfect without. I recommend this tea to new tea drinkers and pros alike.
The first flavors to pull through are muted, light, nutty tones, followed by a kick I only know as tea-flavor, finished by a stronger jasmine aftertaste that lingers well after I finish the cup.