We got out the thermometer, got out the measuring spoons, got out the timer- read the instructions in the tea snob’s book of tea, which Ellyn will have to name because I know not…and YUCK YUCK YUCK, this is the first “skunk piss” tea I have run into yet. Down the drain it goes- with no remorse whatsoever. Maybe someday I will learn to enjoy this one, but I doubt it heavily. Blechhhhh with my tongue out all the way!

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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My mother had different teas around as a nutritionist, the worst I ever tried was chapparel- (sp?) it tasted like plastic. My friend Ellyn has now reinfected me with a loose tea passion! I must give snaps to my son Robby, who sent me the most gorgeous present from Argo teas and they sat in my cupboard for a year unopened! FOR SHAME MAMA!


Newton, MA

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