I received a sample of this tea from Liquid Proust (all the thanks yous!). I was excited about this one in particular since I really enjoyed the similar Razzleberry Genmaicha from 52Teas. Genmaicha in general pairs so well with sweet flavours.
There were big pieces of dried strawberry in my sample – big enough that I actually broke them apart into smaller pieces in order to measure better. The green tea is very green indeed; when the leaves are wet they look like fresh young spinach leaves. The flavour is wonderful, the malty, roasted flavour of the rice pair well the the berry flavours. I’m mostly getting strawberry but there might be a bit of blueberry in there too.
I’ve gotta say this knocked 52Teas version right out of the water. And if you’re reading this Liquid Proust, keep making more genmaicha blends with this base, you’ve got a winner. :D