This is my second time trying this tea, and I think I might have under-steeped this particular cup. It still tastes good, just a little on the light side… Like other Steepster users have said, this tea doesn’t have much smoke to it. I think I can detect some in the aftertaste, which is nice and spicy. But overall, this is pretty tame, at least as far as smoke goes.

Otherwise, it’s a strong black blend. I can taste something that reminds me of certain Ceylon teas I’ve tried (kind of bright, maybe a citrus note?), as well as the darker taste I’ve started to associate with Keemun blacks. I have no idea if that’s accurate, though! Mostly I just taste a strong black tea, nothing too out of the ordinary. It’s the kind of blend I could see myself enjoying as an everyday cup, especially in cooler weather.

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I’m a writer who drinks tea to survive the creative process. A few years ago, I discovered the joys of loose leaf, and I’ve been hoarding all kinds of tea ever since!

My favorite teas change by the day. I usually drink them unsweetened, without milk. I like white and green teas, but I tend to prefer black and oolong these days. Rooibos can be hit-or-miss, same with herbals. (I mostly avoid blends with hibiscus, as I find it too tart, and I’m not a huge mint fan.) But I love when I find a good herbal that I can enjoy when I don’t want caffeine. I’m actively searching for tasty blends with chamomile in them.

I enjoy both flavored and straight teas. Some of my favorite flavors are vanilla, spice, apple, orange, chocolate, and peach. I’m obsessed with ginger. Seriously. I’ve been known to add extra ginger to teas that already have absurd amounts of spice in them. You’ve been warned. ;)




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