Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this.
I like this OK, but I wish I had read the description and ingredient list before I brewed it, as it does contain yerba mate in it and as it is now 9:50 pm I am hoping it doesn’t keep me awake all night… however, I did just yawn as I typed that, so perhaps it won’t.
The chocolate is deliciously rich, but, I wish this didn’t have carob in it. Normally, I don’t mind carob in a tea, but, here, it seems to impart a cheap chocolate flavor … like “diet” chocolate, if you know what I mean. You know how you can just taste when something is low fat that should be fattening, like low fat milk? I happen to prefer low fat milk, but, you can definitely TASTE the difference between low fat milk and whole milk. And that’s what I’m tasting here, a “diet” tasting chocolate, only this isn’t the preferred chocolate taste (that is, I prefer low fat milk to whole milk, but, I prefer whole-fat chocolate to diet chocolate).
I do like the flavor of the coconut here, it isn’t a strong flavor, but it adds a nice creamy dimension to the profile of the cup. Overall, a very pleasant cup of tea, just not my favorite chocolate tea.