Another tea from Leafhopper, thank you a lot. Also, it is actually 2022 “vintage” and called Summer Wonder, but I haven’t found that on Lochan Tea website at all, so I am adding a note here. Maybe it is wrongly labeled or something.
3 grams / 300 ml; western. 3 minutes steep.
I was craving a plain black tea today morning, but with some twist — being light, but flavourful and well that was delivered.
It isn’t extremely flavourful, but it is complex indeed. I do not get any beans like derk did, but there are lovely flavours for Indian black, listed below (in no order again): autumn leaf pile, creamy, floral, a little bit of grassy/hay like, meadows, muscatel and little bit of spices, honey as well.
That said, considering my senses weren’t ready for that, I think it is a nice list of flavours; and I wasn’t actually paying too much attention to my cup today morning.
Remaining 7 grams? well I am not sure. Gongfu — that will be one session worth. Maybe I will split it up and do one weaker eastern steeping and one another western steeping session. Because this tea deserves more than one steep.