2970 Tasting Notes
I went to NYC to visit my brother, and stayed pretty close to Grand Central Station. They have a fun little food hall there, where I could get some teas!
I do love picking up tea on vacation. It won’t take up too much room in my house, and creates a drinkable memory.
This is pretty nice. A strong ginger flavor, which is what I want, but not so overpowering that it takes all my focus from the tea.
A nice souvenir.
Its my birthday today, and I was looking at my cupboard this morning wondering if I had a favorite tea to celebrate with. And, rather to my delight, the answer is no. I used to think that I was somehow supposed to whittle my teas downs into the very best of the best. Now I know I can have a cupboard full of variety, for my moods, to try new things, to have fun.
Cheers to that! And cheers to this nice cup of Tower of London!
Happy Birthday! The sun is shining here in your honor! Hope a little joy surprises you when you’re not looking today.
Happy Birthday! Yes to variety – sometimes we just have a mood for something different to drink! Enjoy! I am hoping to get down to a master list of fifty teas and types. Some will be must have teas and others will be just “some sort of Earl Grey, some sort of blackcurrant, some sort of floral.”
Happy New Years Eve, Steepster!
This year has not had as much tea reviewing as I wanted (a goal for 2024, for sure), but this remains my favorite place on the internet. Thank you for being the best group of people ever!
May your water always be the right temperature for the tea you are steeping in 2024.
I haven’t had this one in years. It is so good even if a little finicky sometimes! Indeed, the water must be exactly the right temperature and time perfect!
I haven’t felt very festive this year. I’d had plans to do all sorts of fun things, and put up decorations, and just generally have a wonderful time, but December has been more challenging than I expected, and I find myself a little low.
In the midst of this I figured, hey, why not order some of the Davids teas that I used to enjoy around the holidays. Its been a while since I had them.
This is todays tea- one I remember loving.
I am finding it a bit thin this morning, so I may add more to future cups, but the scent took me to a much happier holiday place.
Its finally getting cold here, which pleases me very much. I have the comfort of sitting in my robe with my hot cup of tea in the morning, before braving my day. That is much nicer than when its a billion degrees and I am sweating through my first cup.
This is a time of year that I just really, really love.
Happy Thanksgiving to my American Steeping friends! And a happy Thursday for those who are not celebrating.
I am so thankful for such a wonderful community of tea-friends! Thank you all for being so amazing.