Why is waking up so hard? My bed is an oasis of softness and warmth, and its very hard to remove myself from its embrace.
Tea is often the only motivator to get out of bed.
I’ve noticed that I reach for this faster than just about everything on a Thursday morning, my fastest and earliest day of the week. Probably because its bagged, so brewes up with minimal supervision, and sips very nicely.
I hate how the bed feels especially comfy right before you have to get up, like if you wake up 10-20 minutes before your alarm goes off, and you just want to lie there and enjoy that softness and warmth whilst being awake.
Its just not fair. Fjellrv, and then when you go back to bed, its never quite as comfortable, and I have a hard time getting to sleep. How unfair.
I hear you on how difficult it is to get out of bed. I feel I should be paid for it.
Keychange, I could not agree more.
Being self-employed makes it even harder…yawn…
My flannel sheets have triple the gravitational pull of Earth-grav at 6:00 a.m.
I hate how the bed feels especially comfy right before you have to get up, like if you wake up 10-20 minutes before your alarm goes off, and you just want to lie there and enjoy that softness and warmth whilst being awake.
Its just not fair. Fjellrv, and then when you go back to bed, its never quite as comfortable, and I have a hard time getting to sleep. How unfair.
Exactly! Seriously, what’s with that.