since i’m trying to drink up some of my older teas (feb 2013!), i thought a cup of this one was in order. This tea has for sure grown on me as i’ve had it. Now it’s a delicious blend of fruit and caramel and i really do like drinking it. The only downside is that life is stupidly busy today heh
Feb 2013 is pretty awesome for older teas!
I’ve got some Tetley bags from … a while ago, but other than those I’m nearly in the same date range as you. Sadly, February is coming up closer than I expected!
Yeah…I don’t count the puerhs since those can sit and be delicious but I have 3? Teas sitting around from feb….nice thing is I have a gap in the middle of the year lol where I have either ordered no teas or drank them already
Feb 2013 is pretty awesome for older teas!
I’ve got some Tetley bags from … a while ago, but other than those I’m nearly in the same date range as you. Sadly, February is coming up closer than I expected!
Yeah…I don’t count the puerhs since those can sit and be delicious but I have 3? Teas sitting around from feb….nice thing is I have a gap in the middle of the year lol where I have either ordered no teas or drank them already
How long is that puerh cake going to last year? Are those things massive?
that one is 100g…so they’re smaller than you’d think. you CAN get giant ones, but these are it’ll probably last me over a year since 1 little bit does so many infusions.