A while back, I ordered a box of samples from Canton. There were, I think, four sample packets inside, though I am only finding 3. I think I moved the other one to another location. I’m pretty sure I haven’t tried any of them yet.
This was, as is par for the course with most of my cupboard, a while ago — and now when I look at the Canton web site, it appears they have become wholesale only. Maybe they always were, but I don’t think they would have had these sample packets if they were. Unless… were the samples a Steepster promotional offer? Does anyone remember back that far?
In any case, to make up for yesterday when I basically did no notes because I was running around for most of the day, I thought I’d crack open one of these.
Maybe it’s that I’m possibly coming down with something (woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat), but in the sample packet, this smells an awful lot like the dragonwell I just had. Same nutty, hay-grass smell — a pretty intense smell, actually.
The similarities continue with the steeping. Pale golden yellow liquor of the same intensity as that of the dragonwell, which is to say not very intense. A sort of asparagus hint, but more mellow and less roasty than that of the dragonwell, in the aroma. Smooth, sweet, slightly nutty flavor. I do get a tiny bit of asparagus, but it’s more snow peas that I smell and taste in this one. Not as vegetal as the dragonwell, but not at all tending toward the woody, either.
It’s like a highly refined version of dragonwell. I don’t remember making this connection with the last Meng Ding I had, but I’ll be on the lookout for it the next time I do.
Tasty, pleasant, and not at all bitter.
Flavors: Asparagus, Nutty, Peas, Sweet, Vegetal