Flat. One-dimensional. There are only hints of what a good black tea should be.
I really want to believe in this company because of the good that they do in Bangladesh, but this is the second tea of theirs that I have tried that is lackluster and bland. Everything is right about this company except for the quality of the tea itself, save for their loose leaf white tea. Luckily, quality is a variable that can change with even slight alterations in the process. I really hope that Teatulia continues to grow in this aspect.
Yes, I took your advice, Bonnie, and I decided to be more real on here :) I just hope that my defamatory remarks of the company that I work for don’t get me into too much trouble :P
Hi there Cha Dao, like your new name…you almost tricked me…I caught on though!
Yes, I took your advice, Bonnie, and I decided to be more real on here :) I just hope that my defamatory remarks of the company that I work for don’t get me into too much trouble :P
Not your fault!