Tribe Kombucha

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The last tea from my 1001 Pots/Val David day trip was a large pint of kombucha that I got alongside lunch at a local restaurant after I had finished my pottery haul and was just killing time before the commute back to Montreal.

Tribe Kombucha is a local to Quebec company, and I’m not sure if they’re specifically based in Val David but they certainly have a strong presence there – they seem to be the kombucha brand of choice in the village. I saw them being sold in the farmer’s market, at the gas station, and in this restaurant. I would have loved to try more of their flavours, but it just worked out that I only got the chance to have this one.

It was very, very good though! Very bright with a slight citrus-y edge to go alongside a pleasant mix of ginger, spruce, and fir. In some ways it was a bit like a ginger beer because the ginger notes were so strong and had a good level of tickle-y spice alongside that initial brightness, but the mix of forest-y flavours really did differentiate it and create something wonderfully complex and refreshing. I was SO THIRSTY at this point in the day and I struggle to think of something that would have hit the spot more than this kombucha did. It was really, really perfect for the moment and I LOVED that it was being served by the pint just like the different beers and ciders in the restaurant.

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