Lion select said

ITMA Tea Aroma Wheel

Hi everyone,

None of my friends seem to be able to get the download of this aroma wheel to work. Whenever we try to download the PDF it says “failed – no file”. Anyone have the PDF and can share it? I’d rather not simply screenshot the site as I’m sure the PDF file is larger and easier to read.

3 Replies
Uniquity said

I don’t have it, and it also wouldn’t download. I know you don’t want a screenshot but I found zooming in a fair amount made it more than legible and you could take a screeenshot at that point. You can also right click on it and save the image. That works nearly the same as getting a PDF.

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Here is a link to the image, which you can enlarge nicely in your browser:

Edit: here is the PDF

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Lion select said

Thanks a bunch! Mostly just wanted high-res so I can print one. Thank you both for your help!

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