Pictures of tea processing at the turn of the 20th Century

Thought people around here might like to see these pics.

5 Replies
AllanK said

Very interesting. Whomever colorized the photos did quite a job. I presume anyway that these were black and white photos that were colorized. I don’t think color photography existed yet.

AllanK said

There is one picture in there where the tea packages look just like Misty Peaks packaging of their loose raw puerh.

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The colorizing is subtle, skilfull and lovely! Thanks for posting this. A nice reminder (for me, at least) regarding where tea really comes from.

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Rosali Tea said

Incredible – we are going to have to share these on our Twitter feed. Bert, please let us know how we can give you credit! Are you on Twitter?

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Psyck said

They look like hand-tinted glass lantern slides, of the kind Branson DeCou was famous for.

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